27; Grandkids.

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Okay so literally excited rn, Ya Faruk is finally ready to take the next step, yay! How exciting. I must admit though, it took him too long to do so, but it was worth the wait.

We had the conversation yesterday night, he wanted my say on it, which meant a lot, I mean the fact that he puts me first in most of his affairs warms my heart.

"I wonder why he was absent today" Hafsat spoke pulling me out of my train of thought.

"Yeah. Must be family issues," Fatima adds up sharing a look with me to which my left brow arch's up in confusion.

"Who?" I blurt regretting it afterward.

"Sir A of course or should I say my man" She answers adjusting on her veil, her dimples pumping out.

Hafsah is pretty, she's Hausa with a dose of Fulani; from her mother, and you know what that means. Her beauty is for the people, sometimes I wonder why she never gave modeling a go, she has it all.

I unknowingly let out hiss-earning stairs from the crew.

What? Can't a wife be jealous?

I flicker my stare at Fatima who held a smirk to which she earned a glare.

"What is it with you and Sir?" Jumaima spoke clutching her handbag.

"Yeah! Do you hate him that much?" Khulthum adds with a chuckle.

Hehehe! They don't know Warris going on.

I shrug, "Never said I did, did I?" I spoke wanting to end the convo, "Can you just quit bringing up talks about him, he's probably too busy dealing with his palava while you are here with an incomplete degree discussing him" the annoyance lased in my voice was vibrant.

He said to have some urgent work that he needed to take care of before he could hopefully hold a class but I guess he was too caught up then.

Khulthum burst into laughter, "Good one Nads, bravo"

Hafsah sent her a glare, "Oho koma mai dai"

"Fatty zamu gida tare" I announced switching the topic.

She nods, "Yawwa tohm let's wait for the driver"

About Ya Faruk sending his people today is a whole surprise that Fatima has no idea about and I wanted her to know while I was there I need to have her reaction on the tape, lol.

I pulled my phone out from the bag meeting two missed calls from him, ah! Forgot to remove my phone from the silent mood.

Should I call him? Nah! I can't do that, not when you know, so I resulted by dropping a text message.

Just saw your missed call, I was in class. Also, I'll be going with Fatima.

I hit the send button gazing at the time, it was almost margib how time flies. Today has been pretty stressful.

From; A.
-Sure, I'll pick you up later. Take care❤️

I couldn't fight back a blush. You can say Ammar and I are beginning to build some sort of communicative relationship that I'm starting to like. Things have been going so smoothly, surprisingly though we're taking things slow.

"Nads, he's here let's go"


"Wanan irin blush fah" I teased for the umpteenth time. Amma broke the news a while ago, the Sadaki was brought during the day.

She's pacing up and down ranting numerously with her cheeks crimson.

Her phone rang knowing very well that it must be Ya Faruk, just as I expect it to be. I let out a laugh picking it up she sent me a glare mumbling a 'pretend I'm not here'

*Ango ka sha kamshi* I ridicule a smirk dancing on my lips.

*You! What are you doing with Babe's phone?* He blurts cutting me off by supersizing, Naso Fatima's turn into a shameless person.

Oh god! These two, I can't with them.

*Tell that to someone who doesn't have one* Adjusting my sitting position.

He chuckles, *How are you?*

*Alhamdullila. How's Maa doing?* making a mental note to go visit during the weekends. It's been two weeks since I last visited.

*Okay, irin namu na hausawa* He spoke his tune laced with worry.

She'll be fine, I hope so.

Later on, We has dinner and it was almost 10 pm but no signs of Ammar, I was beginning to think I'd be spending the night here coz no way in hell am I going home alone.

I washed the last piece of glass cup just in time for Uncle Mubarak stepped in, "Nadia, How are you dear?" His lips spread into a smile.

"Lafiya, yasu anty Zainab?" I inquire about his wife. No offense but that woman no get joy at all, last time I saw her was when we went for barka of her second born which was I think two to three years ago.

"Suna lafiya," He spoke. I gave a curt nod he took a bottle of water and was about to leave but stopped midway.

"Nadia, how's your husband treating you? Sorry to punk nose though" he asked which I found quite awkward, why would he be asking me that?

Clearing my throat, "Good. Very good"

He nods, "Let me know if any problem arises"

I mumbled okay before he exited.

I walked into the parlor meeting his royal highness seated on a couch adjacent to Ama's conversing. I ignored the glance I kept getting here and there feeling giddy.

What? Girl has to Ja her class.

"Zo nan, ba kya ganin mai gidan ki yazo ne"

Ugh! This oldie won't be the end of me wollah.

She literally dragged me down next to her, Ama, ya illah!

"Koh kunya ce" I mentally face-palmed myself fighting back the blush. "When should I be expecting a grandchild?" She asked directing the question more to Ammar

Inallilahi! How I wish the ground could just open up.

I stole a glance at Ammar and could you imagine he also found this funny, the smirk dancing on his lips brew the frustration outta me.

Seeing as none of us were willing to answer she diverted the topic ushering us to go home.

God! Today was eventful.

"You should have let me spend the night here" I spoke holding onto the door handle.

He gave me that look that I couldn't decipher, "Really?"

I nod my eyes litting up that he may be letting me, a girls' night with Fatima would have been so fun, I miss those days.

I gave him a nod.

He shot the door, "Alright go on"

My lips spread into a full-blown grin.

"Wow, I'm that boring?"

"I never said so, Goodnight Sir" I blurt before he changes his Ming heading for the entrance but my guy was fast enough to pull me back to his chest clutching hard on my waist.

He nuzzles his head into my neckline inhaling my scent or rather smell coz I'm pretty sure of how sweaty I got today.

"You really think I would let you?" He chuckles placing a kiss, "What do you say we head home and make babies"



I promise I didn't forget you guys na writer's block Dey worry me😭😂

Either way, Jumu'ah Mubarak❤️

Drop thoughts and anticipate my newest book💃🏽 tag ppl jamaaa



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