Dreamswap Drink - Sick Day

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Ink POV:

I blinked awake. I threw the blanket off me because I was overheating. It didn't help. I groaned and sat up. Not a good choice. The second I sat up, I felt like I had to puke. I didn't though. My head was pounding. Why did everything hurt so much right now? I fell back onto my pillow. It helped a little. 'Maybe I can sleep some more.' I curled up into a pain riddled ball and tried to rest.

I woke up to my alarm going off at its normal time. I slammed my fist on the stop button and rolled back over. I still felt like I did in the middle of the night. Screw getting up today. I dozed off again.

"HEY INK!" I flinched when a yell awoke me. I sat up quickly. I saw Blue. My head began hurting again.

"What do you want, jerk?" I asked. I held onto my head. The headache just kept getting worse.

"You missed the meeting. Boss wanted me to see if you were alive because you never miss his precious meetings." Blue's voice was making the headache worse.

"We'll Im alive. So leave!" I threw the extra pillow on my bed at him. He just shut the door and reopened it once the pillow was on the ground.

"Heh. You're definitely sick. Bye~" At least he left. I still had to get up now though. I had to explain this ordeal to Boss. I rolled over and slowly got up.

I took a quick shower and changed. I felt the exact same and my head seemed to have gotten worse. I took some medicine and walked out. I trudged along the halls all the way to Dream's office. I knocked on his door.

"Come in." I took a deep breath and walked in, trying to seem as fine as possible.

Dream, who was sitting at his desk, looked up at me as I entered. I sat down across from him.

"There you are. Why'd you miss the meeting?" He asked.

"My alarm didn't go off." I lied, trying to hide the fact that I was sick. Dream clearly wasn't buying it.

"We both know that's a horrible lie. What actually happened Ink?" He sounded a bit more irritated now.

"I did actually oversleep!" I tried.

"Why though?!" Dream stood up, slamming his hands on the desk. I shrank back a bit. Dream looked at me for a moment then sat back down. "You're sick, aren't you?" How did he-? Well there's no use fighting it now.

"Yeah." I reluctantly agreed. Dream sighed.

"I know you hate being sick, but you really can't do work when you are." He finally said. I crossed my arms. "So." I looked back up at him. "I'll take care of you so you get better faster." I was shocked.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down there. I can take care of myself." I told him. I coughed a bit after. "Besides, you've got work to do. I don't wanna be a burden."

"Oh please, you're not a burden Ink." Dream said. "A burden would be you being gone for longer than necessary." He walked over to me and pulled me up.

I walked alongside him down the halls. He wrapped one of his golden wings around me as we walked. It was surprisingly comfortable. I felt safe and his feathers felt soft. We arrived at a room. I realized after a second that it was Dream's room. We walked in and I gasped and looked around. It was huge.

"I need to finish some things. I'll check on you soon, make yourself comfortable." Dream pulled his wing back and walked out.

I had full run of Dream's room right now. I walked over to the bed and flopped onto it. It was so fluffy! I fell back asleep a few minutes later.

Dream POV:

I finished my paperwork for the day and slammed my pen onto the desk. I stood up and began walking to my room. I opened the door and saw someone in my bed. I walked over and realized it was Ink. Oh right, I'd let him stay in here because he's sick. I pulled the blanket back and saw he was still in his normal clothes. I went to my closet and got some comfier clothes. A sweatshirt and some sweats. I changed him into them using magic. He stirred and then woke up.

"Good afternoon, sleepy." I told the waking skeleton.

"Did you change me?" He asked, a bit concerned.

"With magic. Your clothes are in your closet." I informed him.

He curled up a bit and clutched his skull. Was he having another headache? He gets too many. I helped him sit up. He had his hands on his temples still. I placed mine over his and began healing his head. A faint golden light came from my hands. Ink seemed to relax a bit as I continued. I kept going until Ink had totally relaxed and was smiling. Then I let go and he opened his eyes.

"Did you heal me?" He asked, clearly disapproving of what I did. I nodded. "You didn't need to do that. I could have just taken more medicine."

"I am not going to let my best mercenary suffer in front of me. It barely took any stamina, it's fine." I told him. "Hungry?"

"A little." Ink replied. I nodded and walked off to get food.

I'd slowly grown to care about Ink a lot, which is why we recently started dating. I quickly got some food and was walking back up to my room. I saw Blue slacking off as he normally does. I ignored him since if I so much as tried to talk to him it somehow turned into him flirting with me for way too long. I returned to the room to see Ink sitting up, waiting for me. I sat down beside him. I then took the spoon from the soup and tried to feed him.

"Hey you don't need to-" I cut him off by shoving the spoon is his mouth. He took the soup and crossed his arms.

I chuckled. He looked pretty cute when he pouted. I kept feeding him. Once we finished, Ink laid back down. I went and changed my clothes. I came back and laid beside him. He turned over and snuggled up to me. I wrapped my wings around him as well as my arms.

"Thank you for taking care of me..." Ink muttered. I chuckled again.

"Anytime." I told him. I watched Ink fall asleep in my arms. I kissed his head and then fell asleep holding him.


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