Post x Ccino - A Break

441 17 12

Requested by @-Jabin-

Post POV:

I leaned on a mailbox in Swapfell? I think? This is like the 20th au today...I'm getting confused now, great. No time to stop! Or else I can't do it! I shook back up and shook myself back to reality....that nearly made me fall over. Okay, I need something to keep me going. I'm gonna pass out if I continue. What place has good coffee?

...Fluffytale! I've heard great things about the cafe there but never had the time to go there. I heard the owner runs it himself with his cats and is quite nice... oh wait.

I still have to deliver the rest of the mail here...I just got here. I sighed and began walking around slowly.

Maybe I should skip the coffee...I can go another time. I have mail to deliver. But that sounds so nice...fine. Just in and out. Go in, get the coffee, leave, back to work. I sighed. Why are there so many aus...?

I finally finished Swapfell after what felt like hours. I teleported to Fluffytale and nearly fell face-first into the snow. I shakily stood for a few moments then began shakily walking to the cafe.

I opened the door and heard a pleasant jingle from some bells above me.

"Hello!" I looked up and saw who I assumed was the owner, since he's a Sans, wave at me. "Welcome to cat cafe! What can I get you?"

"Can I get a..." I took one step into the cafe and my body gave out. I fell face-first onto the floor and let the darkness take me. Maybe it'll save me some embarrassment.

Ccino POV:

I stood in shock as the skeleton tumbled onto his face. I ran over to him and saw a little crowd forming from my customers. I stood up.

"Everyone sit down! I can handle this." I said sternly.

They sat back down and I crouched beside the passed-out skeleton. He seemed mostly okay. I rolled him onto his back and looked him over. He looked half dead, and even passed out he was still breathing really hard. I gently picked him up and walked back to my cat room. It had a couch in it, so I placed him down there. He looks like a postman of sorts...maybe he overworks himself. That's not good. I told the Swap and Cross cats to watch him. And tell me when he wakes up.

Then I walked back out into the main area of my cafe. Back to work...

Post POV:

I felt myself coming back around, and realizing I was not on a floor? I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. I was on a couch...with cats beside me. I'm still at that cafe....

I'm still sat that cafe?!

I shot up and looked around. One of the cats took off out of the room and the other jumped onto the floor.

"How long...?" I pulled my phone out. It'd been four hours.

I've been out for four hours. Oh no. Oh no no no. I'm so behind! I stood up quickly and looked around for my things. I found them and began walking out. Well there's no sleeping tonight for me. I nervously chuckled to myself as a cat walked beside me, meowing at me. I got to the front and saw the owner helping someone. I should probably thank him, but I have no time. Right as I got to the door I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned back and saw the owner.

"You really shouldn't be going." He said. Why did his voice sound so nice?

"I-I have's my job." I explained.

"Take a break." He said.

"I-I can't just take a break. Thanks for the offer- b-but I really need to-"

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