Fluffynight - I'm not as think as you drunk I am.

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Ccino POV:

Night had gone out with his team a few hours ago. I really hope he gets back soon. It's getting late. It was approaching 11:00 pm and I haven't even gotten a text from him. One of my cats, Spot, was sitting on my lap. I was stroking his fur to help my stress. I did need to get Spot to the cat room though. I picked him up and stood up to begin walking to the cat room. One of the hard parts of doing this was getting one cat in, without letting any others out. I opened the door and put my foot in to stop the other cats. Then I plopped Spot in and quickly closed the door. I heard a chorus of upset meows as I shut the door. Then I heard the bells of main door opening. I walked back to see Night leaning on the door.

"There you are!" I said as I walked up to him. He backed up a bit.

"Don't touch me." He said defensively. 'Okay. He's either drunk or has amnesia.' I thought. Night never glares at me when he sees me.

"Night. It's me. Ccino. Your boyfriend." I told him.

"I'm gay?" He asked quietly. I giggled.

"Yep. And I love you for it." I cupped the taller skeleton's face in my hands. He giggled and hugged me suddenly, pulling me off the ground.

"You're adorable!" He cooed. "I have an adorable boyfri- WHAT IS THAT?!" Night dropped me and stepped backward.

I looked around and saw Midnight. One of my cats that likes Night.

"Oh, it's just Midnight." I picked up the black cat and walked over to Night.

"That's a demon. Don't bring it near me!" As he was backing up, he tripped over his own boot and fell back.

When I stood over him with Midnight, he curled up hid his face. 'Huh.' I put the cat down and went over to him and hugged him.

"Im sorry. I didn't realize you don't like cats while you're drunk." I apologized.


"You're drunk."

"No I'm..." he looked at the ground for a moment. "Maybe I am drunk." I laughed. 'At least he's not a mean drunk.' I thought. "Was my name always drunk?!" He asked. I had to hold back my laughter as I explained that his name was Nightmare, not drunk.

'My goodness. He's so drunk. What did they do? He's usually quite responsible.'

"C'mon Nighty. Let's get you to bed." I helped the stumbling skeleton up. I tried to pull him, but he was refusing.

"I'm not as think as you drunk I am!" He stopped for a second. "Wait..." I burst out laughing.

When I turned back, I saw that Night had his arms crossed and was pouting. I stopped my laughing and walked back up to him.

"Im sorry." I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him. "Want to go to bed now?" I felt Night nod as he leaned against me again.

I led Night to our room. I changed into my pajamas and He did too. He wandered around the room for a bit before I shoved him onto the bed, which I had already pulled the blankets back on. He tried to sit up and I jumped on top of him, causing him to fall back. I rested my head in the crook of his neck. I felt him laugh and wrap his arms around me too.

"I love you, Night."

"I love you too...I already forgot." He laughed nervously. "Boyfriend."

"It's fine." I got up and pulled the blankets up and then rested back on his chest. Midnight joined us too, and I could tell Night was glaring at him the whole time.

I fell asleep soon after.


635 words

I don't know what this wasssss-

Also another quick note, from now on, when I write the ship name with Night instead of Mare or Nightmare, it means it's passive noot.

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