Inkmare - Idiot Artist

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Requested by @Cl0udpuff_87

Ink POV:

I teleported back to the doodlesphere and threw my paintbrush onto the ground angrily. Stupid Error destroying things while I'm sleeping. Now I'm tired and angry. Not a great combo. I picked my paintbrush back up and teleported off to go fix the aus.

It was clear I was in a bad mood. I fixed the aus and just left. After the last one, I got a call from Dream that Nightmare and his gang were attacking a different au. In the same day?! I threw my phone into the snow while Dream was still on the line. I picked it up and hung up. Today is not my day.

I arrived at the battle and looked around. I noticed that Nightmare was just standing there, watching. I took my chance and landed an attack on him. He immediately turned to me and we got into our own battle.

"You seem pretty upset today, Artist. What's gotten under your bones?" He asked. I gripped my paintbrush harder. "Well...maybe you should be more aware." His words were just making me more upset. I jumped at him but was immediately knocked into a tree. I fell onto the snow and felt my brush be taken out of my hands. I felt a gentle hand on the side of my skull. Everything felt like a blur. A blue that was slowly fading out.

"Rest well, Protector."


I felt my thoughts slowly being heard again. 'Where am I? Why is it fluffy? Did I get kidnapped?' And the weirdest one. 'Why was that voice so sweet?' From what I remember, I can remember a voice that said to rest well. Nightmare was the only one near me, but it seemed too sweet to be his.
My eyes snapped open and I then realized I was in a bed. I stretched my limbs and looked around. I sat up slowly, trying to figure out what room this was. It was one in Nightmare's castle, I understood that, but which one? My eyes wandered over to the nightstand. There was a little plush of Nightmare, which was definitely Error's handiwork, and some littler ones too. I leaned closer and realized they were his team. Huh. This could be Error's room then...but he would be here more than his anti-void. Which he isn't. So the only other one that makes sense could be...Nightmare.

"So you're up?" I turned around quickly and saw Nightmare standing by the bed. I just looked at him. "I'm not going to hurt you. You were sleep deprived and upset. Why'd you come to that battle?"

"Because you can't just destroy aus and murder people!" I shouted. Nightmare didn't even flinch.

"I do it to keep a balance." He hissed. "You're just as dumb as Dream." We stared at each other for a moment.

"Sorry. I just don't like destruction." I apologized.

"It's fine. You can stay here for a while. Don't try to escape." Even when he was being nice, his voice still didn't sound that nice. Like the voice when I was falling unconscious.

"Hey Nightmare?" I asked. He turned back to me. "Why was your voice so nice when I was falling unconscious?"

"None of your business, Artist."

"You can call me Ink."

He walked out without a reply. This was a pretty nice room.

I got hungry after a bit, so I got up and walked out of the room. Then I realized I had no idea where their kitchen is. So instead of being normal and waiting in Nightmare's room, I've decided to go look for it myself. It can't be that far, right?
I walked through many halls and corridors. Then I entered what I'm assuming is their living room. Where they all were. Except for Nightmare. We all just stared at each other for a moment.

"How did you get out of the dungeon?" Killer shout asked, getting off the couch and coming up to me.

"I was in the dungeon?" I asked. He grabbed my wrist. I tried to pull it back out of instinct, but Killer held onto it. Then there was a shove from behind and I fell onto the floor.

"Let's take him to Boss. He'll know what to do about him." I heard Horror's voice as I stayed on the floor.

I felt myself get picked up by the arms, Dust had one, Killer held the other.

We got what I guessed was Nightmare's office and Dust knocked. Nightmare opened the door a moment later.

"He escaped." Was all Dust said. Nightmare sighed.

"Give him to me." Nightmare picked me up with a tentacle. I laughed. He pulled me behind him and slammed the door in the face of his subordinates. "You're an idiot." He placed me in a chair opposite his desk.

"Then why don't you kill me?" I asked playfully.

"Because you're..." he mumbled the end and I didn't catch it.

"Pardon me?"

Nightmare POV:

I sighed. Ink was too cute. The way he talks, his stupid face, his clumsiness. I'm a king! Why am I falling for a clumsy artist that doesn't even remember right from left?!

"Nightmare~!" Ink's singsong voice brought me out of my daydream. Who am I kidding? He'd never love me. We're enemies.

"Can you love?" I asked him, looking over I asked the same question to myself so many times until I finally accepted I could. He blinked at me.

"I don't know. I've never tried." He looked up and we made eye contact. "Wanna try??" Was that his way of asking me out?

"Uhh...sure?" I replied. Ink hopped up to hug me and slipped and fell. I laughed and picked him up.

He hugged me and I slowly hugged back. I hadn't been hugged in so long.

"Can I try something?" Ink asked.


He pushed himself off me and then pulled me into a kiss. We barely even established what love is! I let go and gave him a shocked look.

"What?" He asked. "I thought you'd like it. Dream loves it when Cross kisses him."

"Wait. What." I asked. Cross was dating? Dream of all people?

"Oh. Yeah. Cross gets all blushy around him." I burst out laughing.

"Cross is stupid. Can't even keep his cool around Dream. The most oblivious person alive." I commented. Ink laughed too.

"Yeah." He hugged me again. I returned it and we just stood there.

Idiot Artist.


1083 words

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