Mama Dream - Kiddos

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Requested by @TheYarnWitch

Now we have Mama Dream for the stars! I love it.

Dream POV:

I decided to go on a walk with Blue to help cheer him up since he still seemed a little worried about staying with me. I found him in an abandoned and broken au. He was the only one there. So I adopted the little skeleton.

It wasn't exactly a walk. Blue kept wanting to run ahead, but I had to keep him next to me. He kept trying to get out of my grasp. And he did. He slipped his hand out of mine and took off.

"BLUE!" I shouted, taking off after him.

He ran down the path ahead of me. The bad part is that the path is getting twisty, making it easier for me to lose sight of Blue. I tried to keep up with him, but him being younger and smaller he was faster. I kept chasing him until he took a sharp corner straight into a forked path. I lost him. I'll find him soon. Both ways loop in this path, so unless he goes into the forest, he'll reappear. I walked down the path I'd planned to take Blue on. Hopefully he came down this way.

As I walked, I started to hear faint crying. I began worrying, what if it's Blue?! I ran off the path and straight towards the crying.

It was a lot farther away than I thought. As I kept running, I realized that it was wailing, not just crying. I eventually saw a little skeleton crying his heart out, sitting on the ground. He was hugging his knees to his chest, looking like he was trying to hide from the world. I walked up next to him, about to say something, when I noticed a lot of bruises on his little body.

"Hey, Little one?" I asked quietly. I kneeled down and sat beside him. He looked up at me and calmed down a little. Whether it was my aura or not, I don't know. I opened my arms in a welcoming manner. "Want to come with me? We can get those bruises patched up and you can stay with me and the other little one I take care of." I offered. He didn't move and was still crying lightly.

I gently reached over and went to pick him up. As I stood up, he didn't resist. Once I was up, he shoved his face into my collarbone, within my cape, and hid himself, clutching my clothes for dear life. I held him comfortably and walked back to the path.

It took a bit, but soon I arrived back on the path with the little skeleton.

"Hey, what's your name, little one?" I finally decided to ask. He snuggled closer to my neck before very quietly replying, I barely even heard it. I wouldn't have if he wasn't so close.


"Ink, huh? That's a pretty name."

I felt his grip on my clothes loosen slightly. I walked back down the path the way I came as we got back to it. If Blue's still on it, we should run into him. He did say something about wanting to do a lap around the loop. Soon, as I took a corner, Blue's bright blue scarf stood out to me.

"Blue!" I called, gaining his attention.

"DREAM!" He shouted as he ran over. "There you are- Who's that?"

"This is Ink. And he'll be coming home with us today." I got a sudden feeling. It was kinda like that feeling when someone is watching you, but not exactly like it. More like that feeling when something bad is about to happen mixed with the watching one. I shook it off and took Blue's hand to head home.

When we got home, I sat in the couch and began trying to comfort Ink. Blue kept trying hug him, but Ink didn't seem to like the idea, so I had to keep Blue away. Which wasn't easy since Blue is quite hyperactive.

Ink slowly calmed down and I helped him get used to world around him. As he got used to it, he seemed happier. I also found out he really likes to paint. Him and Blue worked together and made me a little painting of what I think Blue said was a dog. I love it either way. Ink was quiet, but I think he's warming up to Blue. I'm glad he's happy.

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