Errorberry - Please Let Me Stay

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Requested by @TheAkashicRecords

Blue POV:

I felt lonely. I wanted Error. He never let me stay in the anti-void. I wasn't wanted much in my universe and I was good friends with him. He's coming to get me tomorrow. I'm going to ask to stay with him then. I really want to stay in his anti-void with him. I don't care if he says there's consequences. My au can die for all I care.

I woke in the morning and quickly left to me and Error's meeting spot. I didn't even eat breakfast. I sat on the rock and awaited my glitchy friend.
Soon I saw Error's portal and he stepped through.

"You good Blue?" He asked. I don't usually get here before him.

"Can we talk in your anti-void?" I asked. He gave me a suspicious look, but nodded.

I smiled and followed him back through his portal. He sat on his bean bag he called a couch and invited me to sit beside him. I did but made sure not to touch him.

"Blue. You can't stay here. I know what you want to ask." Error started.

"No." I interrupted. "I don't care about my au or some stupid consequences."

"They aren't consequences for your au. They're for you." Error explained. "I don't want that happening to you. I'm taking you home. You've been here too much already."

"No!" I suddenly shouted as Error stood up. "I don't care! I want to stay with you." I stood in front of him. I carefully took one of his hands in mine, watching for any signs of him getting uncomfortable. He didn't and I held his hand. "Please. I really don't wanna go back." I heard him sigh.

"Fine." Error said. "But don't blame me when things start happening."

What does he know that I don't? He seems to know something. Why won't he tell me?

I hung out with Error. He gave me some chocolate. We watched undernovela, played games, he even started teaching me how to knit. This was so much better than my au.

My bones felt tingly soon. I saw them flash black for a moment.

"Uhh...Error?" I asked. I explained what just happened.

"These are the consequences." He replied calmly. "It's too late to reverse them." I gulped. What have I gotten myself into?

Error POV:

Soon Blue changed a lot. His personality also changed. He seemed to be fine now with the consequences. Even changed his name to Blueberror. That made me laugh. I liked him. I liked him before and I still like him now. I can touch him pretty easily now too. We were sitting on my couch just chilling.

"So, you've accepted the consequences?" I asked.

"Yep." He replied. I chuckled. I leaned over and kissed his head, which caused him to look up at me, then I kissed him for real.

We stayed that way for a while. Then we broke apart and just stayed sitting in silence.

He was right. He'd be fine staying here


510 words

Sorry if this wasn't exactly what you wanted.

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