Horrorlust - Pen Pals

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Requested by @EmotionlessCreator42

Horror POV:

I was bored. I had written to my pen pal and was awaiting their reply. I sat in my room with my feet up against the wall.
A knock on my door brought me back to reality. I looked over to see Killer open the door.

"You got another letter, Crackhead." He said, tossing the envelope at me. I caught it. Killer closed the door and left.

He finally replied! We've always used fake names on these letters. I took out the letter and read it. He wrote about what has gone on his life recently and vented a little. He also wrote about how much he liked writing with me. I smiled at the letter. Whoever this guy was, he seemed really nice. I wanted to meet him. Maybe I could ask him in my next letter. I took my new letter and walked over to my desk. I put it beside the other letters from him scattered across my desk and floor. I studied the letter my pen pal sent me and began writing my own back to him. We'd been doing this for almost two years now. My friends/team were suspicious at first, especially Boss, but once they realized how happy it made me, they back ed off a little. Boss still asks to see the letters every now and then. He just wants to make sure they aren't some creep. I don't blame him. From the letters though, I can tell this person is no creep. They never asked me for any personal or inappropriate information. I swung my legs under my chair as I wrote my response. I told him about the past week and the missions and such. He didn't seem to care that much that I was a murderer. I whistled as I wrote. As I approached the end of the letter, I added a little extra bit.
Would you ever be up for meeting up sometime soon? I just found myself really wanting to meet you recently. How about Birdtale?
I smiled at it. I put my fake name at the bottom of the page and folded it in half. I opened a drawer on my desk and pulled out an envelope and then sealed up the letter. It takes about a week for the letters to go back and forth. We determined this earlier through the letters. I heard a knock on my door and I turned to see what it was.

"Horror! We're playing board games!" I heard Cross's voice from the other side. "Come join us! It's more fun with five people!" I stood up and walked over to the door and opened it.

"You got Boss to play?"

"Somehow Killer did. I swear he's magic. Come on!" Cross dashed down the hall and I followed, letter in hand.

We arrived in the living room to find Boss, Killer, and Dust all sitting around a game board. Boss turned to me and saw the letter in my hands.

"I can mail that for you. I'm heading down there tonight." He said.

"Thanks." I handed him the letter and he held it in one of his tentacles. "Also how did Killer manage to-"

"We do not talk about that." He interrupted.

We played board games for most of the evening, Boss, despite having barely played, winning most. After a bit, he left and said he'd mail my letter. I thanked him again. I practically skipped upstairs, I couldn't wait for his reply!

~One Week Later~

I sat by the door waiting for Dust. It was his turn to get the mail and I needed to know if I got a reply. I saw the door handle turn and the door opened a moment later to reveal Dust walking in.

"Did it come?!" I almost shouted. Dust looked stunned for a split second.

"Yeah. You seem excited." He handed me the latter and I ran off back to my room leaving a very confused Dust behind.

I tore it open as I arrived in my room. I scanned over the letter to the part I wanted.

That sounds amazing! I'd love to know who you are! I can do it xx/x/xx if you can. We can just meet up there. Meet me there at 10:30 am. I'll ask Bird if he minds. See you there!

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