Mama Error - Problem Solver

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Requested by @Rorochan_2004o

Honestly this kinda makes sense since Error is pretty old.

Error POV:

I was knitting in the living room. The children were of doing something else in the castle, and Nightmare was taking a nap. He was the youngest, being barely three.

I was humming to myself as the others were doing their own things.

Then a shriek rang though the castle. I knew that shriek. It was Nightmare. I got up with a sigh and opened a portal to the toddler's room. I walked in and found Cross trying to comfort him.

"Cross?" I asked. He looked up at me. "What's happened? Did he have a bad dream?" Cross sighed.

"No. Dust and Killer picking on Horror woke him up and he couldn't fall back asleep and now he's really mad." I nodded. Cross was really good at telling what Nightmare's feeling.

"I'll go make them stop. You just focus on calming him down."

"Loud!" Nightmare complained. Just as he said that, I heard Horror yell and what I assumed was Killer and Dust laugh. I sighed and walked out of the room.

I walked into the next room and saw Horror nearly in tears while Killer and Dust were laughing.

"Hey!" I shouted, gaining all their attention. "What's going on?"

"They're making fun of my skull! And they won't stop!" Horror complained, stomping his foot on the ground.

"Come on! You were having fun a couple minutes ago!" Killer said.

"Well you're all about to be in trouble because you woke up Nightmare!"

"It was Horror! He shouted." Dust said.

"Not fair!" Horror cried. I sighed.

"Look, you both are going to stop or go to your rooms. Horror, just calm down." I said.

"Jeez, fine." Killer and Dust said.

I walked out of the room and back into Nightmare's. He's still crying into Cross's shoulder. I saw his plushie of an octopus on the floor nearby. I walked over and picked it up before tossing it to Cross, who gave it to Nightmare. He must've thrown it when he was getting upset. Nightmare took it and calmed down. Cross placed him down on his bed and Nightmare drifted off. Then I heard another yell from the other room and Nightmare there'd up again. I sighed and left once more as Cross stayed with the goopy little skeleton. I went back in just to see Horror throw a toy car at Dust.

I caught it with my strings and and looked at them.

"What did I say?" I asked.

"Horror threatened to break Dust's skull open with that car!" Killer said

"Dust called me a baby for saying it hurts after so long!" Horror shot back. Dust just looked at the floor.

"I'm sorry..." He said quietly. I sighed.

"Look, how about guys just play something together? And not comment on each other's differences because you haven't been through what what he has. So how about you just play together? Like this." I took the toy car from my strings and rolled it into another. "Now, I want to hear all the anarchy you've caused once you destroy your play-universe." I said as I walked out.

Killer was the first to move, causing more crashes. The other two followed, pretending to destroy things but not destroying the toys.

How sweet.

I then went to check on Cross and Nightmare and saw that Cross fell asleep on Nightmare's bed with the small skeleton beside him. I picked up the older one in my strings and brought him to his own room.

I then checked on the three energetic anomalies and saw that they were having fun pretending to destroy.

I'm so proud.


617 words

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