Night and Blue - You're Staying with Me

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Requested by /Idea from @Moonstone_Ccino

Basically the opposite of the Nightberry chapter I did a little while before. But since Past Nightmare is a child, there is no ship here.

Blue POV:

I stumbled after a faulty teleport. I was trying to go to a different au, but I clearly did not end up in said au. I have no idea where I am and don't have the energy to teleport again. I should probably wander around and look for someone to help me.

I walked around for a bit. I was in a forest. It was a very pretty forest. I soon found a river. It was also very pretty. It was extremely clear. I walked up it for a bit. If there's a civilization here, they'll most likely be near this river someway. I admired the beauty as I walked. This au sure was beautiful...

I soon saw a little skeleton by the river. I crouched down and watched him. He was crying into the river and seemed to be desperately trying to scrub off the dark marks on him...paint? Marker? It didn't seem to come off.
I scooted a little closer and looked at him, noticing those weren't artificial marks, they were bruises... and there were a lot of them. The poor kid was trying to scrub them off so desperately. I felt so bad for him. He was crying and muttering things too.

"Please- pl-please come off! Dr-Dream can't know...he-he's gonna leave me behind!" That was only some of the muttering.

"Hey..." I called out quietly. His head snapped up to look at me.

"No, nonono! I'm not here!" He hid his face. "Please done h..." His voice trailed lower than I could hear it.

"I'm not gonna hurt you..." I said.

"THAT'S WHAT ALL OF YOU SAY!" He suddenly shrieked. Then he gasped. "I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry! Don't hit me!"

Was that what he was gonna say before...?

"Oh...oh you poor little thing...I..understand why you won't trust me." He looked up at me.

"Why haven't you hurt me? Everyone hates me..."

"Well... you haven't done anything. So you don't deserve any hate." He looked at me like he was gonna cry again. "If anything you deserve help because you're hurt. Why're you trying to scrub them off?"

"It got dirt off...I just wanted to visible ones off. Dream doesn't need to know..." he keeps mentioning 'Dream'.

"What's your name, little guy?"

"N-Nightmare...just call me Night please. I hate my full name..." Night wiped his tears away just for more to fall.

"Well I think Night's a pretty name." I said.

"You-you do? Everyone says it's worse than my full name..."

"Well they're lying because it's too pretty. They're just jealous." That made Night chuckle. I smiled. "Can I bring you back to my au? I can get patched up." He looked scared again.

"Oh Nono! I have to stay! I have to protect the tree with my brother!"

"...what?" I was confused. He has a brother, that makes sense. But protecting a tree?

"The Tree of Feelings. I'm the Guardian of Negativity and my brother is the Guardian of Positivity. They all adore him because he's the Guardian of Positivity and hate me because I'm the opposite.
I have to guard the tree though. So I can handle it! Thank you for caring though..."

"Can I bring you some bandages? They shouldn't be hurting you. That's not right. Under any circumstances."

"Except mine. I'm horrible."

I am not accepting that.

"I'm coming back for you. Okay?"

He seemed confused.


I returned to the au the next day, right where I was before, but of course Night had left, it's been a night. I walked up a path I spotted. I had brought many bandages and a first aid kit. I walked up the path. Night said something about a 'Tree of Feelings' yesterday. It probably looks pretty special.

I soon found it. It had golden and black apples. I'm pretty sure that's the tree. I walked up to it, it was eerily quiet. I looked at the tree. Something...something seemed different from most trees. I waved at it. It seemed to shift a bit, then return to standing still. I walked around the tree to the dark side and saw Night laying against the stump, heavily injured. He was breathing hard and sitting there, seemingly in pain.

"Night?" I asked.

"Mhhh..." Was the only acknowledgment I got.

I walked over and crouched down, beginning to patch him up.
Soon he had many bandages on and had passed out. I quickly wrote a note to his brother and put it beside the tree. Then I gently picked Night up and teleported back to my au. I put Night in my room and waited for him to wake up.

Soon he jolted up and got really scared. He curled up into the corner of the bed and cried. I climbed on the bed and hugged him. He clutched onto my shirt scared.

Soon he calmed down, but refused to let me go.

"Wh-why am I here?" He asked

"You were extremely injured. So I brought you here so you're safe."

"Why're you so nice to me?!" Then he burst into tears again.

"You did nothing're just a child." I held him close. "A child shouldn't have that burden."

"I...I want my brother..."

"What's your brother's name?"


"He's your brother? I-I'm stupid nevermind." I put Night down on the bed and tucked him back in. "Need anything? I'm gonna go get Dream for you."

"Can I have a book?"

"Sure." I got him a book he said he wanted. It was a chapter book, but he seemed really excited.

Then I left for the au again.


I found the tree again and saw another little skeleton crying next to it.

"Hey! You doing okay?" I asked.

He looked up.

"Where's my brother?" He said through tears.

"He's at my place- he's okay-" Their face twisted into one of anger.

"Give him back!" He shouted. I picked him up and teleported back to my room, where Night was still reading. "NIGHT!"

Dream kicked me in the stomach and ran over to Night. Night sat up and slowed his brother down.

"Dream- jeez. Calm down. Blue saved my life."

"He did?" Dream turned back to me. "I'm sorry! Thank you so much!" Then he ran up and hugged me.

"It's okay..." I said. "How about I read to you too? Go sit next to Night." Dream ran over and jumped into bed next to Night.

I read to the two until they both fell asleep. They were snuggling as they did. I sighed. I'm gonna keep them. They don't need so much responsibility being so young.

What kind of person does that to kids?

I'll care for them better than their last parent, that's for sure.


1168 words

Uhhhhh- I went a bit off the rails lol.

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