HorrorBlue - Little Meet-ups

336 13 13

Requested by @EmaanAbbasi764

Blue POV:

I hugged Dream and Ink as the Bad Sanses left. We'd won! This au was safe! Well, for now, but whatever. We did it!

Ink and Dream left pretty quick after that, since Ink's arm had an extra bend in it that needed to be healed. I was about to head back too when an axe flew out of the forest and hit a tree near me. That was Horror's axe? But it wasn't directed at me.

I looked to where it came from and jogged over there. I heard crying. I jumped over some logs and climbed a tree to get a better vantage point as I got really close. I peeked out of the tree and looked for what was crying. It was Horror. The big skeleton was summoning his axe and trying to throw it at a tree but occasionally missing.

I felt bad. Horror kept mumbling something. And occasionally I heard him say 'Dust' and 'Killer'. I assume he's mad at them.

Then my foot slipped and I fell face-first onto the ground in front of the tree. When I looked up, Horror was looking over me. I shut my eyes, expecting to be decapitated, but instead Horror picked me up by the collar of my shirt and brought me up to his level.

"Why're you here...?" He asked in his gruff voice.

"I h-heard you crying..." I replied. He looked away and dropped me. I looked up at him.

"Don't...tell anyone please."


"Especially not Dust or Killer."

"But why-"

"I don't need to tell you my reasons!" I flinched and Horror backed up. "Sorry... I'm just upset."

"It's okay to be upset. Want to tell me what's wrong?"

"..." he seemed to be thinking. "No! I shouldn't even be talking to you!" And then he teleported away.

I felt bad and teleported home myself.

Maybe I'll see him again.


We won another battle against the Bad Sanses! Ink and Dream teleported off early again, mostly since this time Dream got injured. I chuckled. I looked to the forest around me in this au. I ran off to go look for Horror in case he was here again.

Sure enough I soon heard angry cries again.

"Horror!" I shouted as I ran up to him from behind. He looked confused as I ran in.

"Why did you greet me so nice?"

"Because you were nice to me! Don't think I didn't notice you avoiding me during that last battle!" Horror chuckled. I smiled. "Why're you so upset? I don't want to see a new friend like this!"

"Friend?" He seemed more confused. "I'm your enemy..."

"Out there." I said. "But right now, we're friends!" He smiled.

"Thanks Blue."

"Anytime! Now tell me why you're mad/sad!" He sighed.

"Killer and Dust are being mean to me. Well Killer mostly. He mocks my broken skull, mocks that I use an axe, the way I cook, complains about me to Boss, all of if. And Dust doesn't do anything to stop it. He'll apologize in private but won't stand up for me! I think he's too worried to upset Killer, since they're dating and all." Horror crossed his arms during the last sentence. "Cross and Boss won't do anything."

I hugged him, or tried. I couldn't get my arms entirely around him. Horror chuckled and giggle back. It felt like being hugged by a literal bear! And frankly, I didn't mind it, it was cozy.

"Well forget them! Killer's probably trying isolate Dust from you so that he can have him all to himself!"

Horror seemed to be contemplating what I said.

"I think you're right. Whenever me and Dust have something planned, Killer interrupts." He placed me down and sighed sadly.

"Well whenever that happens, call me, okay? I'll help!" I took out a small piece of paper and wrote down his number. "Here!" Horror took it and smiled.

"Thanks Blue."

"Anytime!" I waved as I ran off. "Take care of yourself!"

I heard him laugh as I continued.


Horror POV:

I have been meeting up with Blue more often at night. He's always so nice. About everything. We'd just sit in the forest usually and cuddle. I liked it. I felt loved.

I was waiting for Blue right now. I sat on the forest floor and stared off into space. Then I suddenly felt a weight land in my lap. I snapped back to reality and looked down to see Blue.

"Hi Blue..." I said

"Hi Horror!" He hugged me. "So what tomfoolery did Killer pull off today?"

I didn't know what to tell him. I lied about being upset today just so I could see him.

"Uhmmm...none? I just wanted to see you..." I said quietly.

"Awwwwh, Horror you could've just said so!" He hugged me tighter. I hugged him back.

He stayed in my lap as we kept talking. Then eventually, I really wanted to know if he liked me too.

"H-hey Blue?" He looked up at me. "I...I think I love you..." Blue's face blushed a bright Blue. 

"I love you too!"

I wrapped my arms around the small skeleton.

"Thank you...I didn't think you would because you're so perfect." I said

"Oh please, I'm far from perfect."

"Compared to me you are."

"Don't say that, you're plenty perfect in your own way." Blue rested on my chest. He was so tiny.

"Thanks...love." I said quietly.

Blue sat up and kissed my cheek, then he laid back against me. I laughed and kissed his head.

I like this. This is so much better than Killer and Dust's stupid relationship.


949 words


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