Bad Sanses x Night - Scared

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Requested by @CrystalMoon_2011

Dust POV:

I sat on the couch. It was a slow day. I was messing around with a knife in my hands, Killer was playing a video game with Cross, and Horror was eating snacks on the floor. It was boring to say the least. I was balancing the knife in my finger. I know it's dangerous, but I've been stabbed before.
Then a scream sounded through the castle. I dropped my knife into my lap. The only other one here was Boss and he's not known to scream.

"What the hell was that?" Horror asked, his mouth full of chips.

"Probably another idiot who tried to break in and got caught." Killer replied.

"Yeah but Boss usually sneak attacks 'em. As to not disturb us." I chimed in. "This is different."

"Fine. We can go check it out. But if Boss gets mad I am not taking the blame." Killer said. Cross paused the game and him and Killer stood up first. I got up after them, Horror following me. "Let's make Cross go first, he can get the brunt of Boss's rage."

"What?!" Cross squeaked.

"Hmm? Boss won't be as mad at you. Since you've never broken his precious rules." Killer reasoned. I facepalmed. Like Boss can't still see us? Killer is dumb sometimes.

"Let's just go." I said shortly.

As we were about to turn into the hall where the bedrooms were, a blur rushed out and ran straight into Cross. It fell back onto the floor and we were able to see it was a skeleton. They seemed to have Boss's clothes on—his signature black sweatshirt, shorts—along with a crown that resembled Dream's. They looked up at us like they were about to burst into tears.

"Hello?" Cross tried.

That did it. The little skeleton burst into tears and covered their face with the oversized sleeves of the sweatshirt.

"Hey, hey." Cross crouched down in front of them. They uncovered their eye lights and met his. "We didn't mean to scare you. We're sorry." The little skeleton seemed to cheer up a bit.

"Where. Is. It." We all turned to Boss, not even hearing him arrive. He looked like he was melting into his, now different, clothes.

I acted quickly and stood in front of Cross and the little skeleton.

"Where's what?" I asked.

"I just saw it. That small skeleton. I need him."

"There's nothin' here." Killer said, shoving me aside. Sure enough, the little skeleton had vanished and Cross was just sitting in the floor. Boss glared at us.

"I will find him. And then I will kill him. And you four will be in big trouble." Boss melted into the floor and left.

I turned back around and saw the little skeleton crawl out from behind Cross.

"What's your name, little guy?" Horror asked

"N-Nightmare. C-can you g-guys please call m-me N-Night?" He stammered "And th-thank you."

"Why are you in his clothes?" I asked. That confused me.

"I don't kn-know. I just w-woke up i-in them. Can I st-stay with you guys? You s-seem nice."

We all agreed and Night smiled. Cross picked him up and we began to walk back to the living room.

Night POV:

The one with the scar under his eye put me on the couch.

"Okay. First off, I'm Cross. That's Horror," He pointed to the one missing part of his head. "That's Dust," the hooded one. "And Killer." The one with his soul outside his body.

"Second off," Dust started. "How good are you at hiding quickly?"

"If I kn-know the spots I c-can hide p-pretty fast." I said.

Dust sighed. Horror held out a chip to me. I looked at him.

"You're probably hungry I assume?" I took the chip and bit into it. It was so good! I held out my hand for another. The guys laughed, but Horror gave me the chip bag. I guess I really am hungry. I've been a ghost for so long I forgot what food is. I thanked Horror and kept talking with the four skeletons.


I really started liking the four lately. They'd protected me from Terror so many times. They even got me clothes like the way I'd explained my old ones. I was currently sitting in Killer's lap. Dust and Cross were on either side of him and Horror was laying his head on my lap. I was petting the non-destroyed half of his skull. I'm pretty sure I love these four. Sure they're dumb at times, and have their own issues, but they they have been there for me. I leaned back against Killer's chest.

"Whatcha thinking about Nighty?" Killer asked.

"N-nothing." I said. They'll know something is up. My stutter has vanished over these last few weeks.

"What is it? You can tell us anything. If it's about Boss-"

"No!" I said loudly. "It's just that...
I love you all."

"Aww. We love you too Night!" Cross said happily.

"No! Like...I really love you guys. Like...Love-love. I'm sorry! I know it's stupid-"

I got cut off by Horror leaning up to kiss me. He let go a second later.

"Of course we love you too Night." Horror said.

"We just didn't know how to say it. We didn't think you liked all of us." Dust explained. "What about Boss though? He's going to know." I snuggled into Killer a bit more.

"Why don't we leave?" Cross suggested. "Boss can't stop all of us."

"Yeah." Killer agreed. "What even is Boss's name? I don't think he ever told us."

"I call him Terror." I said.

"Fitting." Cross agreed. I giggled.

"So let's go." Dust said. "Let's get our things and leave tonight. Act normal around Terror." I smiled at him using my nickname.

~A Few Weeks Later~

So now we live alone. In a little house we all barely fit into. I don't mind though. As long as I have my boyfriends, it'll all be okay. We all look out for each other.

I walked up to Killer and hugged him. He hugged back and kissed my head.

"How's everyone doing after Terror's visit yesterday?" I asked. Killer and I were the only ones not really hurt.

"Pretty good. How about you go give them their food and some get better kisses?" He suggested.


I took the tray of plates and walked upstairs to our room.

"Hey Nights." Dust said. He was sitting up.

"What're you doing up?" I asked. I placed the food on the nightstand and jumped on the bed. I made him sit back down. I kissed his forehead. Then I woke Cross and Horror. "You guys okay?" They nodded. I gave them both kisses on their forehead and gave each of them their food.

"Thanks Nightlight." Cross said. I nodded.

"Of course! I'll come check on you guys in a few minutes." I waved and ran out of the room.

I smiled to myself after.

I love these guys a lot. Even if they're dumb sometimes.


1187 words

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