Error and Dream - A Child... (Part 2)

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Requested by @Lillian234567891
Original Requestor - @TheAkashicRecords

Dream finally gets his childhood. But like all children, there are rocky parts of his childhood...

Error POV:

Dream seemed to be doing a lot better than when he first broke out. Right now he was playing with some of the dolls I'd made. He said he was 6 when he first came out and I asked him. It's been a year since then.

I gave him a birthday and would occasionally take him out of the blank au. He's a good child.

His brother...I've tried to help him not hate his brother. Nightmare would kill Dream the second he sees him. So no matter how much Dream begs and pleads, I can't take him to his brother. But I can't tell him Nightmare hates him. It would crush him. He's gone on and on about how much he loves Nightmare, his interests, favorite books, all sorts of things.

I needed to get to a meeting though. I don't usually go to the meetings Nightmare has but he requested I come and stay for a few. I reluctantly agreed. Nightmare is quite nice when he's not being sadistic. Dream can handle himself alone for a few days.

I began making a little bag for myself to be able to go, Dream watched me.

"Sooooo...can you tell my brother what we've been up to?? There are some things I want to tell him!!" Dream pleaded. I told him where I was going.

"Sure. What do you want him to know?" I felt bad lying to him. But it was better than crushing his heart.

"Can you tell him how much fun we've been having? And how much I love him!"

"Of course." I picked up the bag and slung it over my shoulder. "I'll be back soon, okay?" Dream gave me one of his big smiles. I returned it. I then bent down and handed him a doll of me to mess around with while I was gone. Dream giggled and thanked me. I opened a portal and left.

I walked through the halls until I was greeted by Nightmare. He seemed quite pleased that I was here. He glanced down at my bag quickly, but I shrugged it off as him being happy that I'm staying a few nights. I made it to the room Nightmare had given me.

I sat on the bed. I'd brought Dream's cape with me since he ripped it the other day on accident. I began sewing it back together. I hope Dream's doing well. I left him with plenty things to do, so he should be fine.


I placed the cape in the bag as I left for one of the meetings. Nightmare always has to have everything perfect. If one person's gone he gets annoyed.

The meeting was boring, as most are. Nightmare was late though. His team says he's never late. Besides that, he quickly went over plans and chores. Then he ended the meeting pretty fast, claiming he had to go cause some negativity because he wasn't feeling great. I didn't believe that, but went back to my room.

Nightmare seemed oddly fidgety the rest of the time. He seemed constantly lost in though and would tap his foot on the ground a lot. Dream told me he used to do that a lot when he was thinking, very deeply, about something.
I decided to leave a day early because of it. Something about Nightmare's actions was unsettling me. He didn't seem to care.

I arrived back to see Dream happily run up to me.

"Welcome back Error!!" He shouted happily. I smiled at the short skeleton.

"Hello Dream." I said.

"Did you tell my brother???" He asked excitedly.

"Yep. He was glad." Dream jumped around happily.

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