Lust x Ccino - Newcomer

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Requested by @Cl0udpuff_87

Ccino POV:

I handed the current order out and sat down behind the counter. I just got through a rush hour. Sansy came over and sat in my lap. I petted him for a bit as he fell asleep. Again. For probably around the 20th time today. I sighed. I heard someone enter the store and internally groaned. I just sat down. I had a couple seconds until they got here though.
But they never arrived. I picked up Sansy in my arm and stood up. There was no one at my counter. I looked around and noticed one newcomer at a table in the corner. Maybe he doesn't know? I grabbed my notepad and walked over to the skeleton.

"Hello!" I said as I approached, they looked up at me.

"Oh, hello." He said.

"Want a drink? Or a pastry?" I offered.

"Nah...I'm-I'm good."

"You sure?" I could tell he was a bit upset.


"I'm getting you a cookie."

"Wha-? No. I'm fine without-"

"Too bad!" I called back to him. "You're getting a cookie on the house!" I laughed to myself as I went to get a cookie. I grabbed one from behind the showcase shelf and put it on a napkin. Then I went back to the skeleton. "One chocolate-chip cookie for ya!" I said proudly.

"Thanks." He said as he took the cookie. He took a bit and smiled. I returned it.

"Mind telling me your name?" I asked.

"'s uh...Lust." He said the last word very quietly. Oh. So this is Lust Sans. He doesn't seem bad.

"Good to meet you." I held out my hand for him. He shook it gently. "I'm Ccino. Could you tell me why your upset?"

"Well. No one really likes me because...well my name implies I have or will do bad things. But I haven't done anything." He explained. "And I never would. Not without consent."

"Huh." I said. "Well you're welcome in my cafe anytime." I met his eyes. He smiled again.

"Thanks. That's more than most are willing to do for me." I reached a hand up and patted his shoulder.

"Tell me if anyone here causes you any trouble either. I don't like it when people bully others for things they didn't do." I said, standing up as other people walked in. "I'll kick 'em out." I gave him a little wink, which made him giggle.

He seems pretty nice.

~A Few Months Later~

Lust POV:

I've been going to Ccino's Cafe about everyday. He was always happy to see me. That made up more for the constant disapproving glares I get for existing. I walked in today to and Ccino waved at me like usual. I felt myself blush and return the gesture. I think I started to catch feelings for the cat-loving waiter. Right as I sat down in my usual table in the corner, a couple cats came up to me. I picked one with a blue scarf up and petted it. It began purring in my lap. Ccino came over and greeted me like usual. I felt my face heating up again. Ccino looked a bit concerned.

"Lust, are you okay? You're turning pink." Ccino reached forward and cupped my face in his hands. I laughed.

"I'm fine, Ccino! I'm just blushing."

"About what? Are you embarrassed?"


Ccino hugged me. I hugged him back without really realizing it. He let go and smiled at me before walking back off. 'It's now or never, Lust.' My mind told me.

"Hey Ccino?" The waiter turned back to me. I stood up and went up to him. I cupped his face and pulled out faces together.

I pulled back after second, realizing what I'd done. Ccino wasn't responding, just staring at me. He didn't even have a blush on his face.

"I-I'm sorry." I said, backing up a bit. Ccino just blinked. "I'll go." I walked towards the exit.

"Lust." I heard him say, but I walked out already. I then teleported back to my au.

Good job, Lust. You screwed up your only escape from your au.

Im never leaving my au again. I just screw things up when I do.

Ccino POV:

Dang it, Ccino! I should've said something! I need to get to his au. Dream! Dream can get me there.

When the guardian arrived, I explained it to him and asked if he could take me to Underlust. Dream agreed but said he'd have to follow me to make sure I don't get into any trouble. I agreed.

We arrived and I ran off to look for Lust.

It took a long time, but I found the skeleton in an alley near his house. I walked up to him.

"Lust." I said, sitting beside him. "I'm sorry I didn't reply right away. I was just stunned." He didn't look at me. I hugged him. "I do love you as well. You're not anything like the rumors."

He finally looked at me, his face tear stained.


"Really." I rested my head on his shoulder. "Now let's head back to the cafe before Dream leaves us here." Lust giggled.

"I can take us back."

"Yeah but then Dream wouldn't know where I am." I explained. "DREAM!" I called out into the au. He appeared a few seconds later.

"Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded.

Dream teleported me and Lust back to my cafe and left. I then brought Lust inside and sat him back at his table. Then I went to get him another cookie. I have it to him and sat beside him. Lust rested his head on my shoulder. We sat in a comfortable silence.

"Thanks Ccino." Lust said.

"No problem." I kissed his skull. "Love you."

"Love you too."


976 words

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