Nightberry - You're Staying

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Requested by @Shelly_Tutle and @Ink_Is_Depressed

Nightmare POV:

I went out alone. I need a break from my idiots. I love them, yes, but they can be so...exhausting. I was just wandering through an au, not caring which one.

Then I felt a wave of negative emotions wave over me. I have no idea what would make that amount of emotions so fast. I walked towards where I felt it from.

I assume it's just some sad sans who I can easily kill and leave their au in chaos before a reset is forced. I whistled as I walked through the snowy forest of a random Snowdin I'd much rather destroy but I can't because the Stars would come. I heard a whimper nearby. It was the source of the negativity. I walked a little farther and...

I saw Blue. Why is Blue here? He way laying on the floor and seemed asleep. I finally checked the au I was in, and it was Swapfell. This isn't this skeleton's au. I walked up behind him. He didn't make any sign to acknowledge me. I kicked him in the back and he curled up.

That was a pained response. I crouched down and grabbed the small skeleton by his shoulder and flipped him onto his back. His face was bruising and I think a small black eye was forming on his right eye.
This wasn't done by my team. None of us throw punches. Well, maybe Killer on occasion, but he fights Dream, at least usually. Even then, this amount of damage isn't what he'd do. These are fresh too, we haven't fought the stars in a few days.

I sighed. I knew I wasn't going to kill him. It's better to keep him alive and then let him die. He'd be a good bargaining chip. I gently picked up the injured skeleton. He whined as I did so, curling up some more. I teleported home.

I noticed when I arrived in my room that Blue had blood seeping through his clothes. I placed him on my bed and went to get bandages. I returned and took off his armor and shirt. He ribs were full of cuts, scars, and bruises. I began gently wrapping bandages around his ribs. Blue was whimpering as I went along, but  I kept him asleep with magic.

Once I was done, I made sure he stayed asleep and watched him. I changed him into an oversized sweater and some shorts with my magic. He needs to stay here until he's healed or else he'll die before I can negotiate with the other Stars.

He is kinda cute.


I've taken care of Blue for about a week now. I think he's acting more injured than he still is. His black eye is gone, and most of the cuts are manageable. But Blue is still acting like he can't handle the pain. I also noticed that once, when I pulled my hand up to grab my phone, Blue flinched. He thought I was gonna hit him. Why? He hadn't done that before when I did the same motion.

I walked into the room I'd moved him into and saw him laying down still.

"Are you sure you're still hurting?" I asked, skeptical of the small skeleton. Blue nodded.

I sharpened my tentacle and pointed it at Blue, who tensed. Then I gently placed it on his chest.



"Oh come on." Blue covered his face.

"Ink's agreed to the demands. I'll send you home as soon as we get our part of the deal."

"What?!" Blue sat up quickly. I turned to him, confused. "But I don't want to go..."

"Why not? I thought he was your friend."


A little moment of silence spread through the room as I think I pieced together what happened.

"...Did he do that to you?" I finally asked. Blue slowly nodded. "Why hasn't Dream done anything?" Blue curled up a little.

"Ink changes his attitude when Dream's around. And threatens me about telling Dream. So it's not Dream's fault." Blue wouldn't meet my eyes.

"What did Ink do?" I asked slowly.

"He basically just hit me for the fun of it. If he was upset, if I did one thing weird, and if he just felt like it. But when Dream was around he'd act like the sweetest monster alive." Blue explain. I noticed him beginning to shake.

"Okay, you calm down." I said, walking over and patting his head sweetly. "I'll take care of Ink. You're not going back." I leaned over and kissed his head, making him blush.

Then I left to go torment Ink.

~Timeskip brought to you by Nightmare beating the ever loving life out of Ink~

Blue POV:

I sat up after a while and waited for Nightmare. He came back eventually, and I stood up to walk over to him. He was missing two tentacles and seemed quite injured by the way he was standing.

"Nightmare! Are you okay!" I asked.

He stared at me for a moment. Then started laughing.

"I knew you could stand!" He said, shoving me playfully.

"Hey!!" I retorted. "I was scared..." I crossed my arms.

Nightmare pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. He was so nice to me.

"Ink's not gonna be fine anytime soon. And I told Dream. So you may be getting some calls from him soon." I chuckled as Nightmare explained.

"Thank you."

Nightmare kissed my cheek before falling onto the bed. I hopped on as well and laid on top of him.

"That works." Nightmare muttered. I giggled and hugged him happily.


I sat in the gardens of the castle, with Nightmare. I was tending to some flowers as he read nearby. He said I didn't have to, but I like it. I turned back to him. Nightmare was just sitting in a patio chair, reading a thick book in the shade. I smiled. I walked up to him. He looked up at me as I did.

"Can I sit on your lap?" He nodded as I asked. I sat in the goopy skeleton's lap and read along with him.

As time passed, we'd fallen in love with each other.

I wouldn't have if any other way. Nightmare always protects me if he knows I can't do it myself, but he doesn't treat me like I'm defenseless.

I nuzzled into neck and smiled.

Nightmare wrapped his tentacles around me as I dozed off.

I felt him kiss my skull.

"Sleep well, love."


1092 words

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