DS Dreammare - No One Deserves An Untimely Death

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Nightmare POV:

I was sitting in the porch of our base, blanket wrapped around me as I watched the snow fall before me. It was pretty. This was one of the calm moments we had as I was surprisingly calm. I heard the door open behind me, I turned and saw Error.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi? You aren't yelling about something. Are you okay?" He asked. I laughed.

"Are you? You usually try to stop me from yelling." I joked. He rolled his eyes.

"It's just out of character for you." He commented. "Did the snow hypnotize you?"

"Eh, entranced is more like it. It's pretty." I replied. Error went back inside and I continued looking at the snow.

He returned a moment later and handed me a mug. It smelled like hot cocoa. I smiled. This felt good out in the cold, wrapped up in my blanket. I sipped the hot cocoa. It tasted good. It was dead silent. Nothing more than the wind daring to make a sound. A sudden crash of breaking branches startled me and I spilled part of my hot cocoa on me. I jumped up because it burned. What happened over there? It sounded a whole dragon just flew through our trees. I put my drink down and wrapped the blanket around me once more. Then I stepped off the porch to investigate. It came from the left in the forest. Our base was near the border of a forest(I don't know much about Dreamswap other than the characters, forgive me for incorrect details.). I walked over towards where the sound came from, subconsciously remembering how to get back. I peeked across a tree and saw the last thing I expected to see. Or person. If the golden wings weren't a dead giveaway, the crown was. It was Dream. Here. Why is he here?! Okay, I need to not freak out! He's gonna pick up on it and then-

"Nightmare, I can feel your dumb freak out-thing your having." Dream voice rang through the snowy forest. Oops. I peeked out and Dream immediately met my eyes. "I would try to kill your right now, but lucky for you, I hurt myself in my..."

"Crash?" I tried

"Tactical retreat." Dream replied, crossing his arms. I chuckled.

"A tactical retreat into trees?"

Dream's face flushed golden out of embarrassment. He turned away and blocked my view of his face with his wing. I smiled. I looked down at my belt. I had some bandages on there from my last adventure into the Justice Reigns Error made me keep. I could help Dream. I took a step towards him. He immediately looked over.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to get me while I'm down like a coward?" He sneered. I ignored it.

I kept stepping closer and closer ignoring Dream's sneers. I stopped a bit farther away. Dream knew what I was doing. I was just out reach of his claymore. I looked over his body for noticeable wounds, knowing he wouldn't tell me if I asked. He had scratches and scrapes, nothing to major, until I saw one of his ankles wasn't responding like the other. It was slow and I noticed a hint of hidden pain in Dream's sneers whenever he tried to move it. I took the bandages off my belt and jumped down towards his hurting ankle and practically ripped off his boot. Dream jolted back with surprise and I heard him summon his claymore. Right as he brought it down I summoned my staff with one arm and blocked it. I quickly continued until his ankle was fully wrapped, which wasn't easy with Dream trying to shove me off the whole time. I bit off the edge of the bandage and leaped back with my staff, allowing his claymore to fall onto the snow where I was. I took off my blanket and walked up behind him. I placed it over his shoulders and began walking away.

"Why did you do that?" I stopped and turned back to him.

"I would bring you back to our place, but Cross would throw a hissy fit. No one deserves an untimely death." I jogged off after, leaving Dream behind. He didn't say anything else, which means he might be stunned. Almost nothing rendered Dream speechless. I smiled a bit myself.

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