Driller - Kitten

627 22 13

Requested by @ItsPuppychan

Dream POV:

I blinked awake in the morning around 7 am, like I normally do. My husband Killer was still sleeping against my chest. I smiled at him. He's so pretty. I kissed his forehead and got up quietly, making sure not to wake him. Luckily for me, Killer's a heavy sleeper. I changed in the bathroom and went downstairs to make coffee.

As I watched the coffee maker do it's thing, I kept thinking about Killer. I want to do something special for him. He's the love of my life. And we've been together for so long...

Then an idea struck me. But I need some help. I ran upstairs and went to my nephew's room. He's my nephew/stepson. Crescent. Killer got full custody after proving Nightmare was abusive, so he's always here. I gently shook him awake, much to the little skeleton's dismay.

"Crescent..." I said sweetly.

"Dream...no..." He said, annoyed.

"I want to get a gift for your father. And I need your help."

"Mhhhg..." Crescent rolled over "Finneee..."

I smiled and went back downstairs, got my coffee, and waited for my nephew. Soon Crescent came downstairs yawning. I let him have some cereal and then we were off to the pet store.

I wanted to get Killer a kitty.

He told me a while ago that Nightmare had murdered his last kitty that he loved. Nightmare is a bad, bad person.

Soon me and Crescent arrived, and I think he knew what I was doing.

"Do you remember what the kitty looked like? I want to get him one just like it." I asked the kid.


"Let's go look then!" I scooped up Crescent and we went to go look at cats.

Soon Crescent saw one he said looked just like it. A little calico kitten that was sleeping.

"Are you sure?" I asked Crescent, double checking. He nodded.

The employee let us meet the cat. She was a little hesitant, but warmed up to me and Crescent quickly.

Killer's gonna be so excited!! I let Crescent hold the cat and told the employee that I'd like to adopt the cat.

I filled out the paperwork and soon me and Crescent were walking out with the new cat.

"Now remember, don't tell dad." I reminded Crescent. He nodded, I could tell he was super excited.

I am too, if I'm completely honest!

Killer POV:

I rolled over in bed, annoyed. Dream got up before me, as usual, but I'm annoyed because I didn't wake up to him getting up.

I got slowly and dragged myself to the bathroom. I got ready and changed into my normal clothes and went downstairs.
I was a bit surprised to find Crescent and Dream and on the couch, Dream holding a present.

"What's going on? Crescent going to a birthday party?" I asked, sitting beside my son.

"Nope..." Dream said.

"We got you a gift!!" Crescent shouted happily.

He took the gift from Dream and handed it to me. I pulled the lid off the gift and gasped. A little calico kitten was sitting in the box. Just...

Just like my other one...

I picked up the little kitten and started crying. The cat meowed and let me. I held it close and hugged Crescent and Dream.

"Th-thank you both s-so much! I...I..." I looked at the kitten and hugged it. I felt Crescent hug us too.

"We also got toys love, if you wanna play with her." Dream said, pulling a bag out.

Soon me and Crescent were on the floor, playing with the kitten. She was enjoying it and running after a laser pointer. She also went after my soul which was too adorable to be mad at.

I got my kitty back. I honestly believe this is the same cat. And I'm so happy she's back.


648 words

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