Horror x Farm - Food

631 21 7

Requested by @Cl0udPuff_87
Mentions of blood.

Farm POV:

I sighed. There had been more activity around the farm and someone keeps stealing chickens. So I put a tracker on the meatiest chicken I have, which will definitely attract the thief. Now I just have to wait.

It didn't take long. The next morning the chicken was gone and the tracker had moved. It was now deep within the nearby forest. I sighed. I got some supplies and began making my way out in that direction, somewhere in the afternoon.

As I got closer, I saw bones and feathers scattered around with blood. 'Guess these are my other missing chickens.' I thought. I quietly made my way through. Then I heard a sudden cluck followed by what sounded like a wolf eating something. I went over there quickly and almost gagged when I saw it. There was a skeleton sitting on a log, eating my chicken. He just started too and there was blood everywhere. I ducked behind a tree and gagged before throwing up. I heard the eating stop. I tried to walk away but the skeleton ended up in front of me. He had blood all around his mouth and some feathers stuck to his face. I fell back.

"H-Hello?" I said.

"Hi. I'm Horror. You?" He said. Then he blinked at me, awaiting my response.

"I'm Farm. Uh...Have you been eating my chickens?"

Horror looked back at where I assumed he left the dying chicken, then back at me.

"They were your's?" He asked. "Sorry. I was hungry."

"It's fine." I noticed he had an axe. I'd prefer to not end up with that in my skull. "How long have you been out here?" I gazed at the missing part of his skull.

"Don't know." He replied. "Can I finish the chicken?"

"Yes please. Put it out of its misery." The skeleton smiled and went back over to the chicken.

I took my chance and bolted back towards the safety of my home and farm. I kept rubbing until I got there. I didn't anticipate to find a skeleton that eats things raw. I locked the door and went to my room. Trying to find a way to clear that image from my mind.

Horror POV:

I heard the small skeleton run as I turned away. Well that was rude. I want to talk to him more. I cleaned my face up with the snow and followed behind him. He locked his door. The sun was setting now. I looked through the windows until I found his room. I knocked on the door. Farm was on his bed. He shot up and squeaked. I gave him a confused look. He looked scared of me. Was it because I was eating his chickens? I didn't know they were his! He slowly walked up to the window and opened it.

"Did you follow me home?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said. "You're a cute little skeleton. I like you!" I smiled. Farm chuckled.

"So...why have you been stealing my chickens?" 

"I was starving again. And they were just there!" I said. I glanced around. "You have a lot more than just chickens..." I realized.

"Horror." I turned back to Farm. "I have a proposition for you."

"I'm listening."

"If you stay here with me, and do NOT steal anymore food, animals, fruits, vegetables, then I will make you food myself. Whatever I can that you want."




Farm smiled. He let me in through the window and I hugged him.

"Can I have food now?" I asked.

"Tonight. Can you wait a few hours?"



I yawned. I had just finished picking strawberries with Farm. I flopped onto the couch.

"You good, Horror?" Farm asked. He was standing right in front of me. I grabbed his arm and pulled him down onto me. I held him close. "Uh-Horror??"

"I want to cuddle you. You've been nice to me."

"Don't you want food?"

"That can wait. I wanna cuddle you now. Thank you."

"Yeah yeah."

I felt Farm rest his head on my chest. I love him.

"I love you."

"Yeah. I love you too. You giant puppy."

I laughed at Farm's nickname for me. I love him so much.

I'll never starve again.


718 words

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