DS Inkmare Part 2 - A Baby

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Requested by @Mangelfiquette
Original Requestor @CrystalMoon_2011

Nightmare POV:

I sat up groggily. It had been a week or so of me hiding in here. I've almost got caught twice. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself. I had one of Ink's oversized shirts on, my crown, and some black shorts. I washed my face and then noticed a little glow coming from where my stomach would be. I lifted up my shirt and saw that not only was my ecto-stomach still there, but a little soul sat inside.

"He...he got me pregnant." I don't...I...I'm not going to get rid of them though. I rubbed my stomach slowly. The little soul glowed a bit.

I smiled. 'I have to tell Ink.' I realized. I walked out of the bathroom to see Ink sitting up.


"What?" He replied groggily.

"Well Uhm..."

"Spit it out, Nightmare."

"I'm pregnant."

"Okay." Ink fell back onto the bed. I waited. "Wait, WHAT?!" He sat back up and quickly walked over to me.

"I-Ink?" I asked.

"You are going to get rid of that baby."



Ink shoved me back into the wall.

"You. Will. Get. Rid. Of. That. Child." He said, slower.

"NO!" I shouted. "I may not have wanted a kid, but I'm going to love them!"

"Then this shouldn't be an issue!" Ink shouted back.

"It's your kid!"

"What're we supposed to do with them?! When you have to have them, what're we supposed to do? Go to a hospital?!"

I held my arms over my stomach as a shield. 'Why is he acting like this? He was so nice before.' I felt a tear fall down my face.

"So go."



"INK." I flinched as I recognized Dream's voice.

"B-Boss?" Ink turned around.

"Blue watch him." Dream pointed to me. "We're having a little 'chat' Ink." Dream grabbed his wrist and walking out of the room.

"Ooooo~! Ink's in trouble~!" Blue said. "And you're gonna be too when he gets...back. Why're you crying?"

"I'm pregnant." I sobbed out. "Ink tried to make me get rid of it."

"I'll be right back."

I hugged my knees to my chest. Why didn't Ink like the baby? Did I do something wrong?

Ink POV:

"What are you doing." Dream demanded.

"I-We can't have that child!" I shouted back. I didn't even care he was my Boss right now. "It's a source of negativity!"

"But it'll have your blood too. Chances are it won't be a thing that feeds off it like him. You will not have that child killed. Are we clear?"

"Y-yes Boss." I replied. "Nightmare will still be killed?" I didn't want him killed, truly. I was just upset he was pregnant.

"Yes. Right after he has that kid I'll make sure if it. You will raise the child. Tell them nothing of him." I nodded.

Me and Dream walked back in to see Blue sitting with Nightmare, comforting him. I felt some jealousy rise up within me. I sat down beside them and hugged Nightmare. I'll love him until he's gone.

Until he's gone. And he won't even know.

9 Months Later

I smiled as Nightmare handed me our child. He smiled back. That hurt my non-existent soul. I walked out of the room as Dream had planned.

"Ink?" I heard Nightmare ask. I didn't looked back and just walked out. Dream was waiting outside.

Now I'm sitting in my room with my toddler. I named him Moon, after his mother's au nickname. Moon was playing with some toys on the floor. He really likes dinosaurs. Luckily Dream was right, Moon wasn't a being that fed off negativity. So I get to keep my child.

I'll always miss Nightmare. But at least I have someone to remember him by.

Nightmare POV:

I was crying. I barely got to meet my baby. I don't even know his name.

On that day, just before Dream came in, Cross and Error broke in through the window. Cross picked me up and we left right as Dream entered. He saw us, but since no one's come for us, I think it means Dream told everyone I'm dead.

It's been two weeks. Nothing feels right. I just want my son.

"Nightmare?" I looked up and saw Error. "You doing any better?"

"No." Error sat beside me.

"It'll get better." He hugged me. I smiled a bit.

"Thanks Error." I leaned into him. "I really miss my baby though."

"You'll see him again one day."

A knock startled us. We walked out of my room to see Cross open the door to...


And a toddler!

"Go away." Cross said.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry." Ink quickly said. "For abandoning you, for stealing Nightmare, for...causing his death. All of it." So Dream did tell the JR I died. "So I thought you guys may want to meet our son, who I named Moon." The toddler giggled as Ink tapped his nose.

I gasped, causing Ink to look up at me and Error.

"Nightmare?!" He called as I practically flew down the stairs.

I hugged onto him and the child.

"Hi." I said to Moon. "Moon. I like that." Moon giggled, seeming to recognize me.

"Want to hold him?" I nodded. Ink gave me our kid and I smiled at him.

I walked to Ink and rested my head against him as I was messing with Moon.

"Can you stay?" I asked the mercenary. "I love you." Ink blushed.

"I love you too. But...Cross." I turned back to Cross.

He was glaring and honestly looked like he was about to blow.

"Please Cross? You two can make up. Right?" I asked. Cross sighed.

"Fine. But if you try anything, you'll be tasting my sword." Cross said, calming down.

I smiled more. Moon looked up at me and gave me one too. I kissed his forehead and leaned back into Ink. I finally got my baby back.


1005 words

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