Fluffykillermare - Comfort Person

511 13 14

Requested by @cxtuii

Nightmare POV:

I was bored as I made dinner. I wish Ccino could make it. I like his cooking. But he's currently in his own au, he's safer there. He can only come over once a week, and vise versa, so that the Stars hopefully won't figure out what's going on. Me and Killer are both dating the adorable waiter. He never neglects us or prefers one over the other, and we were so glad when he agreed to join our relationship.

I sighed thinking about him. He already came over this week, but we haven't gone to him yet...but it's only Wednesday. I finished dinner and called my idiots and boyfriend down.

The three Idiots came but not Killer. I began to get a little worried. I grabbed his plate and walked to his room. I knocked on the door, no response.

"Killer?" I called softly. Still no response. I tried the door and it was locked. "Kills please. Can I come in?" I heard the lock click after a moment and I opened the door. Killer was curled up in his bed, I think he was crying. I put the food on the dresser and walked over to him. "Killer? Are you okay?" He shook his head.

"I...I got called names the last time I went out for groceries and it really got to me...they also called me a cheater when I said 'boyfriends'." Killer explained. "They wouldn't listen when I tried to explain a poly..."

"I'm going to murder someone..."

"That won't do any good." He sobbed quietly. "I should be fine in a few days..." I hugged him.

"I know what'll cheer you up."


"It's surprise!" I picked Killer up. "Close your eyes." He complied.

I teleported to Fluffytale. Ccino can comfort him. He can comfort anyone. This skeleton can do no wrong in my eyes. Nor can Killer. I teleported into the quiet cafe, he'd closed awhile ago, might actually be home already. I teleported back out and walked to his house, Killer still closing his eyes in my arms. I got to the house and knocked with my tentacles. I heard a noise inside and soon the little perfect skeleton opened the door. He was about to say something when I shushed him. I put Killer down.

"Open your eyes, Kills."

Killer opened his eyes and gasped.

"Ccino!" He scooped the smaller into a big hug and I smiled.

"Hey Kills! I missed you too!" Ccino said.

"Killer here was sad, so I brought him to the best comfort person." I explained. I came up to them and kissed Ccino's skull.

"Awwh thanks! But I'm not the best..." Ccino said with and eye roll.

"I would literally kill anyone who says they're better than you." Killer said.

"Don't do in front of me please-"


"Now you needed comfort, right? To the couch!"

Killer flopped onto the couch with Ccino on top of him. I laid on top of them.

"So what happened, Kills?" Ccino asked.

"Some lady called me a lying cheater when I mentioned I had two boyfriends...she wouldn't let me explain what a poly was!" He explained.

"Well guess what, she's a jerk. She's a jealous Karen because you could get two amazing lovers and she couldn't even keep one husband." We all chuckled at Ccino's statement. "But, none of what she said was true Killer. You're not a cheater. You'd never do that to us. I love you."

"I love you too, Kills." I joined in. I patted his head with my tentacles, making him laugh.

"Hey Ccino? Are you sure you can't just move in with us?" Killer asked.

"I'm sorry. But I really don't want to leave my kitties behind. I really do love you two though. You're both my everything." He said sadly.

"That's okay. You always comfort us when we need it and that's what matters. Not whether your always with us." I said.

"Thanks...do you need any comfort Nighty?" He asked.


"...I know you better than that- What's bothering you?" I sighed.

"I'm worried about Dream finding out. I don't want you to get hurt just because of us."

"I'll be okay Nighty. I always am."

"But what if you're not?! And we can't get there!" Killer chimed in.

"Then my kitties will save me. They aren't just for show." Ccino hugged us both-somehow. "I'm not going to vanish on you two. I love you too much to." Then he kissed us both one at a time.

I leaned into him, resting more weight on the two.

"Thanks Mocha."

"Anytime, goop man. Same to you, hate-tears." Ccino said with a laugh.

"I like comforting you two. So don't be afraid to tell me."


800 words

This wasn't that great. My ideas decided to go down the drain.

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