Killermare - Snow

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Nightmare POV:

I sat on the dry part of the back porch as I watched Crescent play in the snow. I wasn't one for the cold, so I watched with a coffee in my hands. Right now he was pouncing on the snow playfully. Crescent ran up to me.


"What?" I replied to the six-year old.

"Can we do something together in the snow??" He pleaded. I sighed.

"Like what?" I asked. The six year old thought for a moment. He didn't seem to come up with anything. "Want to make a snow serpent?" He looked up at me.

"Yes!" Crescent squealed happily and ran back into the snow. I finished my coffee and walked over to him.

A snow serpent is a three part snake that looks like it's weaving in and out of the ground. A tail, a body, and a head we had to make out of snow. I explained all of that to Crescent who was ecstatic to make it.

I made the arch of the body while Crescent made the tail. Once we finished, we made the head together. I added a few details while Crescent added little wings so it. Basically just little mounds of snow on the back of the body.

"Well now it's a dragon." I commented. Crescent giggled.

"Dragons are big and scary!" He said. "Like me!"

"Right you are, Cres." I turned around to see Killer walking out to us.

"Hello love~." I told him as he walked over. He patted my head.

"Yes, yes, hello to you too." Killer said. "How's your snow dragon making going?" He asked, looking at our work.

"Great!" Crescent hugged his father happily. Killer scooped up the little kid and looked at the snow serp-dragon.

"You've done well." Killer complimented. I frowned and stood up. I walked up to him and hugged him from behind.

"What about my work?" I asked with fake sadness. Killer giggled and kissed my forehead.

"Yeah, yeah. You did too. You baby." He joked. I glared playfully at him before nuzzling into neck lovingly.

Then I felt something smacking my face. I looked up and saw Crescent. Killer started laughing. I slacked him back playfully. He giggled. I stood back up and stretched. I looked at our snow dragon and smiled. It did look pretty cool. Killer elbowed my arm. I looked over at him and saw that Crescent had somehow managed to already fall asleep in his arms.

"Wanna go inside, Kills? It is pretty cold out here." I offered. He nodded.

I wrapped an arm around my husband's shoulders and we walked inside. Killer took Crescent out of his snow clothes and put him in his bed while I went to our room. Killer joined me a few minutes later. I picked him up and sat down with him on my lap.

"I love you." I told him.

"I love you too." Killer kissed my cheek. "Do you like the snow?"

"Eh, kinda. I like cuddling you more." I told him as I held him close. I fell backwards into the bed, having Killer fall on top of me. He laughed. I like today.


530 words

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