DS Drinkberry - Flirting with Another

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Requested by @Fairy_Girl22

Ink POV:

I walked through the halls. Alone, for once. Dream and Blue seem to barely leave my side these days. I get they're my boyfriends and I get they can be protective, but I'm not a toddler! Now I want to find them, great. Usually if they aren't with me, they're doing something stupid, well at least Blue usually is. Dream's probably working.

I walked through a door and saw Blue flirting with a guard. Again. I felt jealously rise up inside of me. Weren't we in a relation ship so this would stop? I walked over to him and shoved him away from the guard, who didn't move.

"What the hell?" Blue shout-asked.

"What do you think?! Stop flirting with people!" I shouted back.

"Oh come on, Ink. You're not my dad." Blue said as he stood up.

"But I am your lover. And this is something we've talked about!"

"Shhh!" Blue hissed. "There's a guard right here, nimrod!" Oh. Well shit. We hadn't told anyone about our relationship yet. We both looked at them.

"You tell anyone, especially Finch, I will personally come and stab you. And make sure you die." I threatened. The guard nodded slightly. I turned and walked out, Blue jogging up beside me.

"I only do it so people don't think I'm in a relationship. Don't take it so personal, Ink." Blue explained. I crossed my arms.

"Still. It just makes me upset." Blue kissed my temple.


"A little." I said with a smug face.

"Are you both alright?" We both looked up and saw Dream coming towards us. "I felt a range of negative emotions a moment ago." He narrowed his eyes.

"It's fine. It's just that-" Blue quickly checked around for any guards. "Someone almost spilled that we were in a relationship. Luckily though, it would've just been between me and Ink, you'd have been out of it." Dream nodded.

"Well I finished my work for today. And now I want time together. Meet me in 'my' room." Dream said, using air quotes. He did that because we all sleep in there. We just have our rooms for privacy and to keep our cover.

"Well I'm off. See you later Blue." I told him.

"Of course I'm coming with you. You're a baby." Blue hugged me and I tensed up.

"I am literally a fucking mercenary, Blue." I reminded with a strained tone. Blue let go.

"Jeez, fine." He crossed his arms.

Dream POV:

I sat on the bed, waiting for my boyfriends. It's been about twenty minutes and they still haven't come.

Then my door opened.

"There you two slowpokes are-!" I almost got knocked back when someone hugged me. It was Ink. I looked up and Blue closed the door.

"Sorry. Ink wanted food before we came up." Blue explained. I scoffed.

"And you didn't think to get any for me?" I asked, a bit offended.

"Sorry. You wanted to cuddle though, right?" Ink asked. I nodded.

I picked up and small skeleton and walked over to the bed, Blue following. I dropped Ink in the middle of the bed and climbed in beside him. Blue crawled over and sat on the other side.

"Why am I always in the middle??" Ink complained.

"Because you're the smallest." Blue replied. I nuzzled into the back of Ink's neck, causing him to shiver.

"I could kill both of you if I wanted." Ink muttered.

Blue and I chuckled.

"Sure you could, Ink. Sure." I mocked.

"You two are lucky I love you." He said.

"We know." Blue and I replied.

"And we love you too..." I said. Ink giggled.



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