Mama Nightmare - Taken Away

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Requested by @GothTheAfterDeathKid

Even more mama Noot noot!
Also the others aren't kids in this one. They do act like it tho.

Nightmare POV:

I was sitting on a bench at the park, reading. My boys were messing around with each other and arguing. I think it's about ghosts right now. Mostly Killer trying to get Dust and Cross to prove their ghosts exist.


I sighed and kept reading my book.

My idiots may be stupid, but I love them. I have to be a mother to them. I don't mind though, as I grew to care for them as my own.

I heard some running and looked up. I saw Killer running away from Dust. The others were following them. I chuckled. I stood up, getting ready to go stop them.

Then I felt my tentacles get pierced, startling me. I whipped around and didn't see anyone. I recognized the pain though. These were Dream's arrows. Then I felt a tug on my hood, and someone put a cloth over my mouth. I tried to flail about, but my tentacles were weak and they were holding my arms. I felt myself growing unconscious. And soon my limbs gave out and it all went black.

"I'm starting to regret this..." I heard before it all went calm.


I felt myself coming back around. I was in a different position from what I remember. They last thing I remember is being at the park with my boys. Speaking of them...did whoever took me take them?! My head whipped up and I looked around. I was in a basement. I recognized the place. This is the Star's basement. I tried to move my tentacles to find out that three weren't summoned. I tried to scoot away from the wall to allow them to, but my arms were restrained. I tugged at the chains and felt a little sting run up my arm. Not super painful, but enough to tell me that hers chains were made of positivity. And that they'd drain my energy. I sighed. I don't see my boys anywhere nearby though, thankfully.

I kept struggling against the chains until I got really tired. Then I heard the door to the basement open. I saw Ink walk down smirking with Dream. Dream seemed really nervous and wouldn't look directly at me.

I glared as much as I could muster during my sleepiness. Ink opened my cell door and crouched in front of me. I noticed Dream pull out my phone.

"Now, I'm glad you tired yourself out. It'll make this much easier." Ink said. "Start it, Dream." Dream started what I assumed was a video.

I hated every second Ink was next to me. He was threatening my boys with injuring me if they tried to attack an au. I wanted to talk so many times, but when Ink got annoyed, he made Dream restart it after using a gag as a makeshift cloth. I wanted to just get up and punch him into the floor. But I couldn't. I had to listen through all his threats of hurting me again. And at the end, he slapped me a few times as a 'warning'. Oh, I was seething. Dream still refused to make eye contact with me and left before Ink did. Neither of them took the gag off me.

I grumbled to myself. I really hope they, my idiots, don't do something stupid. I love them too much for them to get hurt.

Cross POV:

We were all freaking out. Nightmare vanished and no one knows where he is! Then Killer got a text from Nightmare. We all looked over his shoulders at the video.

It was awful. Ink and Dream kidnapped him. And he said he's gonna come to the castle and get us. And if we attack any aus, he's gonna hurt Nightmare! No! We can't let that happen! Nightmare's the only good parental figure we've ever had!

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