Fluffymare - Underlying Negativity

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Requested by @Cl0udpuff_87

Ccino POV:

I hummed as I went through my daily routine. It was boring. I was bored. The same old people everyday with the same old stories.

I ducked under the counter because I saw that Sansy had fallen asleep and I wanted to pet him. I heard the bells atop the entrance jingle. I assumed it was the librarian as she always comes in at this time. I heard footsteps approaching my counter. They stopped in front of the counter. It got quiet. Like everyone in here just stopped talking.

"I'll get your mocha ready in a second." I said to her, popping my free hand back up and waved. I gave Sansy one last scratch and popped back up from beneath the counter.

The person I faced was most definitely not the librarian. They were a skeleton about my size, maybe a bit taller, covered in black...tar? Gloop? Malice? He had tentacles protruding from his back.

"Oh sorry! I thought you were someone else!" I quickly said. "What can I get for you sir?" He seemed a bit taken aback for some reason.

"Give me a black coffee."

"For here or to go?"

"Here." He walked off to a table.

'He...he didn't pay.' I mentally sighed and made his coffee. I poured it into a mug and walked over to him. Other people in the cafe seemed to have left after this guy walked in. What's so bad about him? He was just reading a book at a table right now.

"Excuse me, sir?" He looked up from his book and glared at me. "I have your coffee, but I need the money first." He glared at me more.

"Just give me the coffee, cat boy. Your cats keep licking me."

"Cat Boy-? Oh sorry. They're just interested by your... appearance." I set the coffee on the table. He didn't even thank me. I just walked back behind the counter.

'Well there's your change, Ccino.' I thought. 'A goopy skeleton. He's not bad. Just didn't pay.'

Nightmare POV:

I kept coming back to the cafe. Something about the Cat Boy—Who I now know is called Ccino—is just alluring. And he always has an underlying negativity. I don't even think he knows he has it. The cats are a bit annoying though. I want to see him more often than my usual morning coffee.

"Here you are, Nightmare!" Ccino's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Are you unhappy?" Wha-? Why of all things did I blurt that out?

"Well-uh-I-uhh...." Ccino trailed off, he seemed quite uncomfortable with the question.

"Never mind." I said quickly. "You don't have to answer."

"Well...I...not really." He muttered.

"You're coming with me." I said, standing up.


"And all your cats."

I wrapped a tentacle around the confused skeleton. I teleported us to the main living room. Where all my idiots were.

"Who's that?" Cross and Horror asked almost in sync. I sighed and dropped Ccino. He clung to one of my tentacles though.

"His name is Ccino and he's staying here now, as a worker." I said. "And you four are rounding up all of his cats in Fluffytale and bringing them here."

"All of them?" Ccino whispered behind me. I nodded to him.

"Ugh. Fine." Killer said.

"Also Horror," I warned "If you dare to try and eat even one of those cats, I will make sure you don't eat or sleep for a month."

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