DS Dreammare - Knocking on the Window

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Requested by - @CrystalMoon_2011

Nightmare POV:

Why is this happening?! My stupid feelings for Dream have returned as of late, and it's getting in the way! I don't want to go back the JR's palace anymore in fear of Dream seeing me do something bad. I don't want him to think bad of me...well more than he already does. I want him to love me. But...he never will.
No matter how much I tell myself that, my feelings won't go away. Even if I tell myself Dream wants me dead, the one part of me that wants his love won't go away.

I sat in my room, being sad. A knock on my door snapped me out of my existential crisis for a moment.

"In come-UH-" Heck. "Come in." I re spoke. Error walked in a moment later.

"Want to tell me what's wrong yet? You've been depressed in your room for a week."

"No." I replied. Error went quiet for a moment.

"It's about Dream isn't it?" How did he-? I sat up and looked at him. "Ever since Dream saw us in the hall that night a few weeks ago, you've been upset. You miss him?"

"Yeah...and..." I stopped for a moment. "I love him." I finally admitted aloud.

"Oh. Oh! Well that explains your lack of wanting to prank Dream." Error said.

"Mhmmmmm." I groaned. "Please leave." Error nodded and left.

What can I do to get rid of this? Oh! I know! I can ask Dream! Him telling me he hates me will crush this stupid part of hope! I ran over to my window, opened it, and jumped out. I ran in the direction of the JR palace. I know where Dream's window is, so I can go in that way.

I snuck around to the back side of the palace. There were still quite a few guards. I climbed up the wall around the palace and jumped down on the ground behind it. I spotted Dream's window up a few stories. Luckily there's balconies and I am agile. I made my way up and landed on Dream's window sill. I yanked on the window, hoping Dream didn't lock it. He did. Heck. I knocked on the window aggressively. Suddenly it opened and I knocked on Dream's face.

"Oh. Oops." I giggled. Dream glared at me.

He pulled me inside and threw me on the floor.

"You've got some nerve coming straight into my room, Nightmare." He held my arms on my back. "What did you want?"

"If you let me go I'll tell you."

"How about you tell me before you get my claymore through your neck?" I froze.

"Okay, okay." I gave in. "I just wanted to ask you a question."


"I love you. Like...A crush. Do you...feel the same?" I closed my eyes, awaiting my inevitable death.

But it never came. Instead Dream started laughing. I felt my face heat up from embarrassment. Was it that stupid of a question? I felt myself tear up. This was a dumb idea. Of course he doesn't love me! I then felt my hands be released. I tried to get up and run but I was pulled back by my cape. I landed in a hug. I tried to get out, but their arms held me tight.

"Shh. Night I wasn't laughing at you." Dream whispered to me. "I was just laughing because...well. I feel the same. Just didn't expect you to come knocking on my window."

I slowly calmed down in his grasp. He wrapped his wings around me. It felt so safe. It reminded of when we were younger. I just wanted to stay here forever. He felt the same.

"Lord Dream!" The door burst open, revealing a knight. Dream's wings flinched back out of instinct, revealing me. "Uhh..."

Dream POV:

I sighed. This probably looks much worse than it is.

"Look. You're going to go tell the knights on alert that I have Nightmare. And you guys are not going to come to me to elaborate. Understood?"

The knight nodded. They shut the door and left.

"So...what now?" Night asked.

"You're staying with me." I said flatly. Nightmare opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off. "And if you want your friends here, they can come. I will take the bounties off them and they can stay here." Nightmare lit up.

"Thank youuu!!!" He squealed like a child.

"I also get an excuse to make Cross and Ink make up."

"Oh I don't think that's happening any time soon. Cross still hates Ink with a passion for abandoning him."

"Well we can figure something out so that they don't kill each other." I stood up with Night in my arms. "As long your happy." I kissed his skull, which made him giggle.

"Thanks Dream."

"Wanna know something probably stupid?" I asked Night as I walked us to my bed. I set him down in it and then cuddled him.

"Stupid? From you? Never." I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm.

"Well. Right after I sent the order to get you so I could kill you, I...felt super guilty. Even though it made everyone else happy, I felt horrible. I was trying to kill you. The skeleton I loved."

"Aww! That's not stupid! That's adorable! Wanna hear something actually stupid?" I nodded. "Cross once couldn't find his phone, and asked me through text where it was." He burst out laughing. I chuckled myself. How did he become friends with those idiots? Oh right, he is one himself.

I hugged Night to me and fell backwards onto the bed, him on my chest.

"I love you, you idiot."

"Hey I'm not the one who's a bird sooo..."

"You prick."

"You love me though~!"

"You're right. I do."


975 words

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