Fluffynight - Cat Café

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This is in some sort of modern au. Also they're in a busy city. And Passive Night again.

Nightmare POV:

I had just gotten fired from my job. Why? I got into a fight with my rude boss who fired me right then and there. I needed to get another one soon. Me and my brother already had enough money issues. I noticed a new cafe as I walked through the busy streets. It was a cat cafe. I saw a sign on the door that said "We're Hiring!". Eh, maybe I could apply. I shuffled past people awkwardly as I went to the door. There was another sign underneath the first one. "You can apply inside or online." Then it listed a website and a phone number. The phone number belonged to the owner of the cafe. I took a quick picture of it and continued walking back to Dream and I's apartment.

It was...a sad little apartment. I can't sugar coat it. Dream was already here and making some dinner.

"I take it your day didn't go well." Dream commented.

"I got fired. But I saw a hiring sign for a cat cafe. I'm gonna apply." I told him.

"Okay." Dream sighed. "I'm making Ramen."

"Alright." I walked off to our room. We rented a one bedroom apartment. I closed the door and called the number. 'I really hope I don't blow this.'. I heard them pick up the phone.

"Hello!" They said.

"Hi. Are you Ccino?" I asked.

"Yep. Are you applying for the waiter job at the cafe?"


"Okay! Im gonna need your name and email so I can contact you."

I told them my name and email address.

"Alright, thank you! Could you come in for an interview tomorrow? At 9:45 am?"


"Okay! I'll see you tomorrow! Bye!"


He hung up after that. Then Dream opened the door.

"How'd it go?" He had two bowls of ramen. He handed one to me.

"I got an interview at 9:45 tomorrow." I told him. Dream smiled. "I hope I get it." I continued. I took a bite of the noodles. They were good. Dream always made them really good.

~The Next Day~

I walked into the cafe at around 9:40. I had my usual purple and white suit on with black pants and purple and gold boots. I had a brown satchel over my shoulder. It was nice cafe. It wasn't open yet, but I bet it'll be popular. A cat came up to my and sat at my feet. I waved to it. It meowed. Then a skeleton came out from behind the counter. He wore a light brown sweater, black basketball shorts, pink slippers, and a brown apron around his waist with a lighter brown paw print on it.

"Oh hi!" He said. "You must be Nightmare, right?" I nodded. "I'm Ccino!" He held out his hand. We shook hands briefly. "This is one of my cats." He said as he picked up the cat at my feet.

"How many do you have?" I asked him.

"A lot. Around *insert number*."(I don't know that much about Ccino's cats.).

"Wow." I commented

"Anyway, come with me." Ccino led me to a table in the main area of the cafe.

He began asking questions and stuff. Did I have any waiting experience, do I like cats, am I flexible with hours, do I mind working long shifts, etc. Yes, yes, yes, no.

"Okay sooo..." Ccino said after he was done with questions "You're actually the first person to apply. I just moved up here. So, you're hired pretty much. Do you think we can open this place tomorrow? I need to show you the ropes today." He giggled. I nodded. He was pretty nice. One of his cats jumped on my lap. It started purring as I petted it. "At least my cats like you. That's good."

He gave me an apron like his and I put it on. Then he showed me where everything was and how to make drinks, take care of the cats, and make food. I already knew how to wait tables and clean them thanks to my old job. Ccino was actually really nice to me even after I spilled cinnamon everywhere while trying to make some French Toast.

~A Few Months Later~

I'd really gotten the hang of this. The way we run it is the people come up, order and pay, then Ccino made the food, then I'd bring it to them. Like a fast food restaurant but with cats! And better food! At least in our opinion. We would also switch places with each other to keep things from getting boring. Recently we'd been getting more business. I was wandering around the tables with a try of food in one hand. I got to the table and placed their food on it. We operated a bit like a normal restaurant. People usually seemed to understand that things might be a bit slow because it's just me and Ccino. Well, us and his cats. Ccino usually closed the cafe at around 4:00 pm. It was 3:56. We were just serving the last customers. They left a little bit later. I sighed a relaxed sigh as I leaned on the counter. Ccino always paid me fairly. That wasn't why I loved the job. He was. I was gonna ask him out after today, so now I've just actually got to do it. I walked behind the counter, took off my apron, and met up with him. He was counting the money we got.

"Holy cow we might have actually made profit for once." He said proudly. He turned to me and hugged me. "Thank you Nightmare!" He said. I hugged him back.

"No problem." A few of his cats came over. No one else was here so the more social ones came to be near us. "Hey Ccino?" I asked him. He let go and looked at me. "W-would you want to g-go out on a d-date with me?" I stutteringly asked. I felt a little blush spread across my face.

"Of course!" He replied happily, tackling me with another hug. We fell onto the floor beside his cats. They jumped on us. I petted them as me and Ccino sat up. They jumped on us more.

"Oh my god. These cats are persistent." I said. Ccino laughed. There were so many! They just kept jumping!

"We still need to put them in their room. Then we can go on that date." Ccino said. I nodded.

We rounded up the cat and put them in the extra room that Ccino had made into a cat friendly room. It took like 20 minutes. Cats are fast and with so many of them, Ugh.

After that, we left and went on our little date. I loved it. Ccino was super fun to talk with and we got along great.
We ended it with a little kiss. We both loved it.

Now we run the cat cafe as a couple. It makes me smile whenever I think about it. Dream also likes to come in whenever he can. It's fun to see him play with the cats. Now I'm glad I got fired on that one day, because if I hadn't, I never would have met Ccino...and all his cats.


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