Drink - The Wandering Artist

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This is an au where Dream and Nightmare are royalty.

Ink POV:

I never knew where I was going. I tended to go from kingdom to kingdom, occasionally returning to one to surprise my friend, Cross. Cross was in the royal guard of his kingdom. I smiled a little at the thought. I was sitting on a bench next to the path, eating a mini loaf of bread. I watched others go by and doodled the ones who seemed interesting enough. I usually made art for money.

I finished my loaf of mini bread and stood back up. I picked up my backpack and began walking again. The main city of this kingdom shouldn't be too far from here. More people walked by the more I seemed to walk. 'It must be the people from the kingdom.' I assumed. I had enough money to last me a couple of days and nights. Hopefully I could make enough money. I eventually arrived at the gates. I stopped in front of one of the guards. He eyed me suspiciously but let me go through. I walked through quite fast. Those guys were creepy.
The city was beautiful though! The main walkway was dotted with shops and vendors, while, from what I can see, behind it were cozy little homes. I smiled. This place was nice. I walked up the main path which very quickly branches off with others. I kept going up the same one until I found a little alley way. 'I'll get a place to stay later.' I thought. I sat just outside of the alley and began drawing.

Dream POV:

I was walking through the city in one of my brother's sweatshirts with the hood up, my normal dark blue pants, and brown boots. I hated when people recognized me. Yes, they were nice, but I just want to be treated like a normal person. Not like I'm their god or something. I had my crown on me, but I wasn't wearing it. I was walking near the entrance to the city. I glanced toward an alley way. There was someone right beside it. He seemed to be selling art. I walked up to him. He appeared to be in his own little world while he was drawing and didn't notice me. I looked at what he had made around us. It was all so beautiful. I sat beside him and began looking at every piece. It ranged from a family of penguins to bloody mid-fight scene. Yeah I quickly placed that one back down. I saw one of a pretty crow and a pretty raven. It was so cute. They were standing beside each other, the raven saying 'We're not so different.' I loved it. I looked at the artist, who was still somehow in his own little world of art.

"Hello?" I asked him. He didn't look up. I tapped his shoulder.

"Huh?!" He jumped a little and looked at me holding the picture. "Oh, sorry for not noticing you." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Can I choose this one?" I asked.

"Hm?" Ink looked at the picture. "Oh yeah, of course!" He told me the price cheerily. I paid him and looked at the picture.

"It's so pretty! Man, you are talented!" I praised.

"Oh!-It's nothing really. I'm not that good." He said. I gave him a shocked look.

"Don't say that! It looks great!" I told him. "What's your name by the way?"

"Ink. I'm what I call a wandering artist." I tilted my head to one side, prompting him to continue. "I wander from place to place to sell art. That's literally it."

"We'll you're very good at it." I complimented. "I'm..." I can't tell him my name! He'd know then! "Dawn." Close enough.

"Why'd it take you so long to answer?" He teased.

"I...forgot my name for a moment." I said with a squeaky voice. He laughed.

"It's all good! I forget things all the time." He joked.

We ended up talking for a bit before I left and began making my way home. Ink was really nice. I went around the castle and walked in a back way only I really used. I changed in the spare room in that dark hallway. It definitely wouldn't be the last time I would. I wanted to hang out with Ink more.

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