Demon!Killer x Night - Demonic Idiot

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Requested by CrystalMoon_2011

Night POV:

I reluctantly opened the door to my idiotic friends. They'd suggested we use a Ouija board. Of course they chose my house. I let Horror, Dust, and Cross in and they went to set it up in one of the rooms. Probably the living room. I went to get a bottle of water.
I yawned and walked in to find them all ready.

"What took you so long?" Dust asked.

"Preventing a slow and sad death of dehydration." I replied, taking a sip. Cross and Horror chuckled.

I sat next to Cross on the opposite side of the board to Dust and Horror. We all put our fingers on the planchette.

"Are there any spirits here?" Cross asked. I sighed as we waited.

"I told you this was a-" right in the middle of my sentence, the planchette got yanked to 'yes.' "Pfft. Who was that?" No one moved. Dust seemed as confused as me while Horror and Cross nervously glanced around.

"What type of spirit are you?" Dust asked.

The planchette moved to form a word. D-E-M-O-N. A demon? I rolled my eyes.

"Haha. Okay which one of you idiots is the funny guy?" I asked. A demon is too cliche. They all looked pretty nervous now.

"I thought you were moving it." Dust said.

"What? No. Just own up." I asked them. No one made a sound. "Alright. Then I'm done."

I tried to pull the planchette to 'Goodbye' but it wouldn't budge. I could tell the others were trying too. Then it started moving to spell something else out.

"Aw come on. Don't even want to talk?"

I sighed to steady myself.

"What do you wanna talk about?" I asked it. We watched as if spelled more out.

"You, cutie." I tensed up.

"You pricks!" I shouted, a blush spreading across my face. "Stop it!"

"We aren't doing anything!" Horror retorted.

I shoved the planchette to 'goodbye' and let go. I was breathing hard.

"I know one of you idiots did that! Which one?!" I shouted.

"We didn't!" Dust shouted back. "Let's just go home." The others stood up and got ready to go.

"What a great night." I muttered as they left. I grabbed the ouija board and put it in the back of a cabinet. "Stupid idiots."

I felt something wrap around my waist. I spun and flung my fist at it. I made contact and opened my eyes. I saw a figure holding their hands over their nose. They were a skeleton too. With black tears dripping out of their eyes.

"Who are you and why are you in my house?!" I hissed at them.

"I'm the demon, dumbass. My name's Killer. Didn't even get to introduce myself before you chickens quit." He scowled at me, letting go of his nose.

"Why can I see you now?"

"Because I allowed it. And because you..." he came up to my and grabbed my chin. "Are so cute!" I now noticed the horns he had. I felt his tail wrap around my leg.

"Well thanks, but I'm more interested in a mortal lover." I said, shoving him away.

"Pfft. I can win you over." I turned back to him. "I've seen mortals do so many things to impress their lovers over the years. I can impress you."

"So have I. And most do not amuse me. I'm about 506 years old. What about you, demon?" I asked.

"Oh! You're just a baby!" Killer squealed. I glared at him. "I'm about 3000 or somewhere close to it." He grabbed my cheeks. "You're a little baby."

"Then you can't date me." I pointed out.

"What?! No! I didn't mean like that kind of baby!" Killer hugged onto me. "I'm sorryyy." I rolled my eyes.

~A Few Weeks Later~

Killer POV:

I had made it my mission to get Night to love me. And I think he's finally coming around. He doesn't seem as tense around me. We were on a walk at night right now in a park. I knew how to unsummon my demon accessories. I was picking flowers from around while I left Night by the fountain. He had to like me by now, right? I've done all the tactics I've seen mortals do that work. And Night always blushes like they do. I held the flowers in my hand. I now had a bouquet of beautiful dark blue flowers in my hands. I slowly stood up and began walking back to the fountain. I walked into view of the fountain just in time to witness Night get punched. Night stumbled back but kept his balance. I clutched the flowers together in one hand and flew at the person, ramming into them. I turned and shoved the flowers into Night's hands. I didn't wait to see his reaction before I went back to attacking the person.

After I was sure they were dead, I went back to Night. He seemed scared.


"D-Don't touch me!" He backed away.

"It's me though..."

"You killed them." Night breathed out.

"I had to. They were going to hurt you." I bent down to him.

"B-but you didn't have to k-kill them."

"Well I guess I live up to my name." Night seemed to think for a moment. Then he giggled. He gazed at the flowers.

"They are really beautiful." I held him close to me. "Thank you."

"Do you love me?" I felt Night tense up again. "I just wanna know. Because I love you. Ever since that night we met. When your friends left you me."

"Pfft. They're more like idiots." Night said. "Yeah. I do."

I tilted his little face up to look at me. I leaned down and kissed him. It was quick, but it was loving. Night rested against my chest.

"Can we go home now though? I'm cold."


"I'm a demon! I need flames!" I defended. "I'm jumping in your fireplace when we get home."

"Okay. I'll make sure you're nice and toasty."

I smiled. I picked Night up and carried him as we began walking home.

What a lovely night.


1027 words

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