Killer x Outer - I want you to be happy.

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Requested by @Vera_Woldy

Killer POV:

I was sitting in my room. Doing nothing. Literally. I was just on the floor staring at the wall. What was I supposed to do? I'm bored.

"Killer." I heard Boss's voice right as he opened my door. I turned to him. "I have another mission for you." I smiled my crazy smile as I awaited the instructions. "You are to hurt Outertale. Do not destroy it. I just need the negativity. They may be expecting you. Prepare for a fight."

"Solo?" I asked.

"I thought you liked going alone? More for you to kill." I nodded.

I can handle a challenge.

I teleported to Outertale right away. I took one step then was stopped by a bone attack landing right at my feet.

"You do not get to hurt our home." I heard a voice say. "I know who you are." It was Outertale sans. "Killer." Outer.

We stared at each other. He was glaring at me and I just smiled at him.

"I just came to do some things. Like kill your brother." Oh ho that was the wrong thing to say.

"Well then. You will have to kill me first." He said.

"Fine by me." I replied.

He launched another attack at me as I dashed forward with a knife in hand. I threw a couple others. Outer dodged them and teleported away before I got to him. This little dance continued for a while until I just stood still. I was breathing heavily. I hadn't had a battle this exciting in a long time.

Another bone attack landed beside me. Dang it! The starry boneheaded was buying time! I glared at him. He was giving me a smug look. And I...felt something?! I quickly turned and teleported away. Boss is going to kill me but so couldn't handle everyone at one and...feelings. Ugh. The word sounds so horrible.

I arrived back in my room. What did he do? How did he make me feel that? It felt like my soul was trying to puns out of my chest. I heard my door fly open and I saw Boss standing there.

"Why are you back?" He asked. "You. Failed." It wasn't a question, but I slowly nodded. "How?"

I explained the whole ordeal to him, leaving out the feelings part.

"You don't fight like that. What were you doing?" Boss asked.

"I don't know!" I honestly replied. "I wasn't thinking right."

Suddenly a force made me turn to the side and my cheek stung.

"Don't do it again. I'm sending you back there tomorrow. If it happens again...the consequences will be worse." Boss threatened, before closing the door and leaving.

"What is wrong with me?" I muttered. "Why? Did I..." I slowed down, knowing this was probably Boss's least favorite emotion for anyone to even mention. "Did I fall in love?" I whispered, barely audible. "How? I just fought him? I guess the way he fought was pretty impressive. The way he dodged...and that smug look before I left..." I whispered to myself. "Oh god I'm a traitor." I realized. 'I need to talk to him.'

I teleported back to Outertale and waited. Soon I heard footsteps.

"Back for another dance?" I recognized Outer's voice. I turned to him.

"No...actually." Outer gave me a quizzical look. "I just wanted to talk."

"Okay." I was a bit surprised. "If you don't attack me, I won't attack you. What'd you wanna talk about?"

I started feeling the fluttering feeling again. Outer was giving me a chance. I sat down and he joined me.

Outer POV:

I sat beside Killer. I was quite nervous. He could stab me at any point. But instead he started talking about feelings.

"I don't have feelings very often, but...I've been getting this fluttering feeling in my soul. I don't know what it is. Is it love?" He asked.

"Sure sounds like it." I met his black eyes. Right as I did, he blinked and a little white pupil appeared. I gasped.


"You have a pupil!" He made a confused noise. I grabbed his face and looked at it, causing him to blush. "Oh! Sorry!" I released his face. "I was just impressed! It looks so c-cool!" I stuttered. I'd almost said cute. Why?! "Who causes this?" I finally decided to ask.

"Someone..." Killer muttered. He muttered something else, but I didn't hear it.

"Well they're quite lucky. They've managed to get a 'killer' to fall in love with them." I joked.

I really did like Killer. From everything I'd heard of him, he was by far my favorite one of the bad guys. And being under someone like Nightmare does things to people.

"If only you knew." Killer must've meant it to be quieter.

"If only I knew what?" I asked. A red press across his cheeks.

"You." He turned to me. "You caused it. Yesterday! With your stupid cute grin, your graceful movements, and your...adorable laugh." Killer covered his face and turned away.

I made him feel?

"I don't even know how." Killer continued. "You're just so damn...adorable." I laughed.

"We'll feel free to stay. I'd love to help you feel more than just love." He looked at me.

"Nightmare's going to come. And we're both going to die." He warned.

"Then I'll tell the stars. They can help. Don't worry. If you don't wanna face them you can stay back." I hugged him.

"I want you to be happy."

He leaned into me. We just sat here for a bit.

"Your hood is fluffy." Killer eventually said, causing me to laugh. "And thanks. I don't think anyone's ever wanted me to be happy before."

I stood up with him.

"C'mon. Let me introduce you to my brother without you threatening to kill him." I told him.

I noticed his soul had changed though. It was now an upside down heart instead of a target. It was really pretty.

I don't Killer is the only one feeling love anymore.


1011 words

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