Criller - Showers

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Killer POV:

I was bored. Something that happened quite often. Cross hasn't been paying as much attention to me. He offered to help Boss with his work, since our leader has been extremely stressed lately. Boss accepted and now they both have quite a bit of work.

Maybe I should check on Cross. He hasn't left his room for a while.

I walked down the hall to the monochrome's room. I knocked.


"It's Killer. Can I come in?"

"Yeah sure." I opened the door and saw him on his bed.

"You good over here?"


I walked up to him. He looked like a mess. He looked sleep deprived, and his clothes were all screwed up.

"You need a shower." I said flatly.

"Too tired."

"Then I'll help you!"

Cross's face erupted into a blushing mess. He buried his face into his pillow.

"No-Cross. You're taking a shower. If not by yourself," I grabbed his arm. "Then with me!" I yanked Cross off the pillow and out of bed slowly. Then I dragged him to the bathroom.

I turned on the shower as Cross undressed himself. I turned around and looked away blushing.

"I thought you wanted to help~?" He joked tiredly.

"Shut up." I told him, before beginning to take my own clothes off.

Cross POV:

I waited for Killer before getting in the shower. I was really tired and didn't want to slip. Once he was done, he helped me in.

The water felt really nice after not showering for a few days. After we stood for a moment, Killer grabbed some soap and began cleaning my skull. Soon he moved down to my ribs. I did downwards from my waist. Once I was done, Killer and I switched. We stood in shower in a loving silence. And admiring the other's beauty.

"Doesn't this feel good?" Killer asked, placing his hands on my cheeks.

"Yes. Thank you Kills." I rested my head on his shoulder. I felt myself slip into a comfortable sleep against my boyfriend.

Killer POV:

I chuckled when Cross fell asleep. I turned off the water and gently placed across on the ground. I wrapped him up in a towel and myself in another. I picked Cross and our clothes up and teleported to his room. I placed Cross on his bed and joined him a second later. I snuggled into his rib cage. Cross subconsciously wrapped his arms around me protectively.

"I love you Cross." I said.

" you...too." Cross muttered in his sleep. Making me smile.


427 words

A bit shorter than my other ones. Eh.

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