Chapter 2: Midterms Mania (PART 1)

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Part 1

"Hello!" x2

"Hey. Oh, it's just the two of you here."

"How rude! What do you mean by 'just the two of you'? Most people would kill to go into a clubroom and see two exotic, cute girls waiting for them, you know?"

A blond, sharply dressed little girl is plenty exotic, alright.

It's been around a month since we've acquired our club.

The craziness died down for a bit after the first week, and things went rather smoothly with cleaning out the room and adding our own stuff to it and whatnot.

We got the short end of the stick when it comes to the room. Our activities were declared to be 'less essential' than other clubs, so we were given an old defunct classroom, repurposed to a barely functioning clubroom.

There are still cardboard boxes and desks stacked on top of each other in the back of the room.

"Yeah yeah. Where are the other two?"

"They probably still have club activities, I'm sure they'll come when they have the time."

Ryuko's acting as the voice of reason for once.

"In that case, we can just do some research into the Otherworld ourselves. Right, my faithful servant?"


Well, can't exactly complain.

It's a peaceful place for the most part.


The clubroom door slid open as Shinsuke walked inside.

"Yo. Sorry I'm late. Had to deal with a case of extortion."

"Ah, it's nothi- Wait, extortion?"

"Yeah, the prez was extorted by some girl in the neighboring club to give her a computer. That club was called SOS or SUS... something, can't remember exactly."

"I see. Some tough shit, eh?"

"Yeah. To be honest, I really didn't want to get involved, but if the prez's gone then the club also goes bye bye."

At least we don't have to deal with all that stuff, seems troublesome.

"Ah, I also heard from Yui that the math exam gets returned tomorrow."

"Huh? Math exam?"

"Y'know? The one from the start of the year? The teacher sure took his time grading them."

Ah shit.

Tomorrow's the day of reckoning.

The remainder of the time I spent at the club that day was filled with anxiety and dread.


I got a 70 out of 100.

Damn, I thought I performed absolutely terrible, but this is much better than expected.

"Yo, Matsuda. How'd you do?"

"Oh, I got a 70. Decent, right?"

Shinsuke looked at me with the most perplexed expression I've ever seen anyone make.

"Oi, what's with that weird look?"

"N-Nothing really. I thought you would have done better..."

"Oi, the exam wasn't that easy for me."

"I think you just didn't try man. This is the basics of the basics."

Huh? Really?

Am I really that retarded?

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