Chapter 4: Cultural Club Crisis (PART 1)

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Part 1

The second semester begins.

Feels kind of reinvigorating to be back here at school, after the wild summer saga.

It's almost like this place is the focus of my life at the moment...

Usually Ryuko would go to school with me, but now I'm walking here alone.

It's a bit odd of her to break up the routine after such a long time of consistently doing it, but definitely understandable.

We already spent so much time together in summer, so she just wants the taste of liberty now.

I can't say I'm not enjoying the rare peaceful atmosphere, either.

Of course, like I said so many times before, this wouldn't last, so let's just savour the moment.


With a deep breath, I steeled my resolve and opened the classroom door.

Everyone's still as energetic as ever...

After the long-ish summer break, the various groups formed in the first semester are even more closely knit together, talking about their totally wacky, not-at-all mundane summer vacations where all they did was watch some anime in which a kid with intense psychological trauma plays the piano to appease some god-like entity masquerading as a bubbly, exuberant school girl, meanwhile protecting the world from her disciples' various violent, bloody assaults or whatever it was on Pisscord.

There was also something about a forgettable cast of characters that are way too chipper, some Russian coach and this one eccentric detective guy with a funny name. But I won't take note of everything now, it will take me the whole day before I can finish.

As much as they irk me, l'll let these normie-like conversations slide. They make me feel like there still exists a sense of normalcy in my life, even if I know it's the complete opposite.

I mean, I had to go confront the final boss duo (trio?) of Japan for my summer vacation...

Reality truly is stranger than fiction...

In fact, I'm not even sure this is reality, or just some fictitious scenario fabricated by some trans-dimensional entity just for the fun of it.

Nevermind that, I'm just being weird again... Spending the whole summer with that girl really did a number on my sanity.

Snapping out of my delusions, I noticed Ryuko already in her seat, laying her head on the desk like she was taking a nap.

That's strange, never seen her do that before.

I hope it isn't something serious like last time...

I made my way over to her.

"Hey, Ryuko."

She jolted up suddenly.

"A-Ah, g-greetings, Matsuda!"

I squinted at her with suspicion in my eyes.

"W-What's with that look?"

"Nothing. You're just acting out-of-place again. Did something big happen again?"

"Huh? Out-of-place? What may you be talking about, haha?"

"Maybe I'm just mistaken... Welp, I'm going to my seat, good day to you."

"H-Haha, you too..."

She went back to her napping position from before.

Something's definitely amiss...

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