Chapter 3.1: Summer Shenanigans (PART 2)

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Part 2

The first location we went to was some abandoned grounds, an excellent suggestion by Mitsuho.

I don't know what the hell she finds interesting in a barren patch of land, surrounded by a forest.

We're currently walking to said patch of land through a narrow walkway with steep hills on the sides.

And, of course, since no one of us even bothered to see yesterday's weather report, we're now caught in the middle of a torrential downpour.

Road with steep hills in the rain, what could possibly go wrong?

By the way, it turned out that I was the only person who wasn't up to speed with the schedule aside from Kaori.

Apparently they all came together one day to discuss the plans without me, and decided to invite Kaori along, just because.

Ryuko told me she left me out because she knew I wouldn't contribute, as I'd rather be at home.

This girl knows me too well now...

Besides, I think it's better to just tag along anyway.

I get to enjoy the trip without doing the hard work of coming up with the plan.

If I didn't know any better, I would have thought this trip was just to impress me.

But, well, so far I'm not very impressed with the weather.

It's even worse than the sun trying to burn me alive.

"Really, did no one bring an umbrella?!"

"Sorry! I didn't see the report yesterday..."

How painful...

The first time in forever I leave my house to have fun and here I am, being stuck in the rain.

"W-Woah! H-Help!"

Of course, something had to go wrong, like I predicted.

Mitsuho slipped on the narrow, slippery walkway and was about to tumble all the way down.

And, trying to look cool, I held out my hand and grabbed onto Mitsuho's, thinking she could pull herself up with the support of my arm.

That's the story of how I severely underestimated gravity and how weak I am.

In the end, I took the fall with Mitsuho down the hill.

"Ow! That hurt!"


"Are you two okay down there?"

"No, not really."

"We'll figure out a way to get you two up, alright? Just wait there, maybe find somewhere to hide from the rain."

"Please be quick..."

Why do these things always have to happen to me?

What a literal pain...

"Ugh, that sucked. Mitsuho, get up and help me find somewhere for shelter while we wait for them to come."

Sobs and sniffles.

"Oi, does it really hurt that-"

"All my clothes are filthy now! It was already filthy with the rain, and now even more so! Wahhh!"

Of course.


Eventually, after Mitsuho calmed down for a bit, we managed to get to the trees and used them for shelter.

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