Chapter 3.2: Summer Shenanigans: The End of Shenanigans (PART 8)

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Part 8

"Ah, Matsuda, there you are."

Shinsuke's voice, coming from down the beach, with everyone waving at me, perhaps noticing me walking nearby.

"Hey, we're here! Back from your little date? Good grief, you've disappeared with her somewhere twice this week now..."

Maybe I can ask them to help me with this case...

"Oi, have you seen Ryuko anywhere close? At the house maybe?"

They looked at me in a strange manner.

"Weird question to ask all of a sudden. Not even any greetings... You were with her this entire time, right? Why would we know what you don't?"

So they haven't seen her.

How troublesome...

"The thing is, something... big took place, and she disappeared somewhere. And I don't know where she is now."

"Hideaki-kun, what do you mean by 'something big'?"

"Mr. Ishikawa caught up to us."

That was all I needed to say to make them realize the gravity of this situation.

"Father-daughter quarrel, eh?"

"This is bad, indeed..."

Very encouraging words from the couple...

"Maybe you should check back at the house, Prince of Darkness. She could be there. If not, then she's probably trying to board a train home. I know Master very well, so you can trust me on this."

Surprisingly, Mitsuho had the most sound advice.

A train home, huh? She plans to escape herself?

After a while of thinking, I decided on a simple plan of action.

I'll scout the house out, before I go to the station.

"Alright, thanks for letting me know. I'll have to get going now."

"Good luck on your mission then, Hideaki-kun! Hopefully you can help resolve this mess..."

"Why don't you all help me, actually?"

"Like I said before, she doesn't need all of us right now. Confronting her one-on-one should do the job."

I always have to shoulder these responsibilities, huh?

Fine, if it's what it takes.

I promptly left for the house, with the emotional support from my friends.

I really hope she's there...


As I entered the living room, I noticed Mr. Ishikawa sitting on the back porch, staring blankly into the open sky.

So this is where she got it from...

Like father, like daughter, huh?

I chose to slowly and carefully sneak through the living room, not wanting to provoke the man even further.

But, Mr. Ishikawa, with his actual superhuman senses, noticed me right away.

"Matsuda-kun? You want to talk? Before that, keep your comments about my problematic way of parenting to yourself. I already know."

He mistook my caution around him for trying to approach him.

Maybe I really should talk to him...

It can't fully mend the fractured relationship between him and his daughter.

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