Chapter 4: Cultural Club Crisis (PART 6)

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Part 6

"You two! For the day, you two are assigned to be the school library assistants! You will come into the library after its closing time for students and sort out books and whatever's left."

"Huh? Why us? Oi, don't tell me you forgot about the festival, Yui-san."

"Sigh, of course I haven't... How could I after slaving away, creating music for the club? But, we're not here to discuss that! You have to help me!"

"We really can't! There's still more preparation to make! Can't you ask someone else?"

"But everyone I asked said they were busy, so you two are my only option! Fukumi-sensei is gonna go on a rampage if I can't find someone to fill the assistant duties! If that happens, she'll just disband the club herself, no need to wait for the council! Please, just help me out!"

"It's fine, we'll do it."

"Eh? Ryuko? Why are you faltering so easily? We have to fight for our freedom, you know?"

"Let's help our good friend out this once, Matsuda. She's already done so much for us. Besides, it's not like we have a choice. Fukumi-sensei would disband the club if we don't."


I can't argue with such orthodox logic! Why did she decide to use her reasoning abilities now of all time?!

"What do you say, Matsuda? Will you lend your friend a hand? Will you lend me a hand?"

Ryuko looks at me with hopeful, sparkling eyes.


It was super effective...


"Sigh, librarians sure have it tough, working such a dull and tedious job for hours at a time..."

"Oi, do your job properly, Ryuko. You were the one who begged me to be here. Aren't you a normally hard-working girl that just so happens to be a crazed chuuni lunatic?"

"Hmph, I'll ignore your backhanded insult for now. The path of academia is one filled with wondrous discoveries, as opposed to the monotonous, repetitive career of a librarian."

"Apologize to all librarians out there!"

I say this, but to an extent, I have to agree with Ryuko.

This work really is quite yawn-inducing.

All we do is put books back where they belong, stamp things without reading them first, yada yada yada.

Anyways, work was going fine.

I was carrying a set of books to put back on their shelves.

Somehow the seventh installment got ripped in half by some moron, and everything from chapter three onwards went missing.

I'm gonna have to write a report on this, aren't I?

Whatever, I was carrying them to their shelves.




I bumped into Ryuko and made all her documents fall down.

"S-Sorry, Matsuda! I'm so clumsy..."

Nothing I held fell off, though...

But, does this really need to happen to me?

"Sigh, let me pick it up..."

"A-Ah, no, let me. It was my mistake..."

A situation ripped straight from some cliche, tired romcom plot.

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