Chapter 3.2: Summer Shenanigans: The End of Shenanigans (PART 9)

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Part 9

"Hah... Hah... I barely made it..."

As I made it to the station, the train home was just about to leave.

I had to use the Boots of Speed to get there on time.


I realized what just went through my mind, even if it was just a split second...

Sigh, that girl's chuunibyou really starting to rub off on me...

Even though it was mine that rubbed off on her in the first place.

Nonetheless, nevermind those embarrassing thoughts.

Luckily the tickets that Mr. Ishikawa gave us are two-ways, otherwise I wouldn't have been here no matter how fast I ran.

Now, there's the matter of finding her...

It'll be a bit tedious, but if it works...

"Excuse me, is there someone named Ryuko here?"



"Excuse me, is there someone named Ryuko here?"



"Excuse me, is there someone named Ryuko here?"

"Eep! There's some weird guy calling my name! Onii-chan, help!"

"Oi, you there! What business do you have with my beloved sister, eh?"

"A-Ah, nevermind me! Wrong person!"


After almost getting into a fight with a lowlife siscon, I stopped calling out for Ryuko and just tried to look for her by looking at several people's appearances.

And go figure, a dodgy guy looking in every seat to check for someone still manages rouse suspicion.

Really, how difficult...

Ryuko has an eyepatch and distinct scarlet red eyes, how can I not notice?

And so, what little rays of hope inside me continued to dwindle as I made my way through several train cars without catching a glimpse of who could be Ryuko.

Panic was really starting to set in at this point...

What if she wasn't here?

What if I'm just wasting my time?

What if... What if...

I started to go into full panic mode when I made it to the final train car and I haven't even seen Ryuko yet.

My head was filled with thoughts of uncertainty...

If she's not here, I'll have no way of going back! If that's really the case, then we've failed, haven't we?

With great trepidation, I opened the car door and looked around.

There was only one passenger, sitting in the back.


She's a bit smaller than I am, has short black hair and striking crimson eyes. Her skin almost has this ethereal property, it looks porcelain white, but somehow a bit different.

There's also this bandage around her left thigh, and a biblical-looking black eyepatch.

Of course she has to be in the final car, just to make it harder for me...

She seems to be staring longingly out of the window.

I approached her.

"M-Matsuda? W-What are you doing here?"

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