Chapter One

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You'd been chasing something.

Only this time it wasn't tracks on the ground, or a scent. It was a feeling. One that had been nagging you in the deepest parts of your mind and unlike any sensation you'd ever known. It was a strong feeling. It would ebb and flow in the strangest of times but when the feeling came the strongest it had ever been, your body obliged and followed it without question. And that's precisely where you found yourself now. On the outskirts of the Shire.

Just upon entering the Shire the very air felt different. The fact that you couldn't tell what it was that was causing the disturbance you felt, was enough of a concern. Perhaps even worse was feeling like you should go to it, some deep seated instinct that called to your soul, and beckoned you closer. You felt it the strongest in the home of a hobbit who's door had been marked with Gandalf's symbol. This was the place.

You hitched your pony outside of the hobbit's home and cautiously made your way to the door. Your hand hovered over the little gold knob. What was stopping you? Why did this feeling inside of the home call to you so? It was all too new and you didn't know what any of it meant. The fear of the unknown gripped you.

"Now that we're all here, let's get to the matter at hand." A deep voice said from inside. Your sensitive ears could hear everything going on in there.

Gandalfs familiar voice stopped him, "well now now, we are waiting on one last member. She will be here."

The deep voice scoffed, "she? Gandalf, we cannot have distractions on this quest."

"I can assure you she will not be a distraction, but a much needed help. She can take care of herself and will even give you lot a run for your money. I wager she will save at least one of our lives before the quest is done." Gandalf defended you which made your heart swell.

"Who is this woman?" The deep voice wondered.

That was when you knocked on the door. Well you hadn't really meant to knock it just sort of happened, as if your mind and body were two separate beings with their own will.

A smaller more dainty voice called out, "oh bugger. If this is another dwarf I won't hesitate to-" the door opened and you looked down at a male hobbit. He had a head of curly brown hair and warm eyes about him. His character looked hardly burglar material. If this was Gandalf's choice of burglar you had a few words to say to him then. He didn't look like he could defend himself if he needed to.

"Hello," you greeted, "I'm so sorry to knock so late. Is everyone here?"

You were perhaps the most polite and nicest looking dwarf he had seen this evening and he found himself tightening his rob and standing a little taller.

"If by everyone you mean the group of dwarves who have pillaged my home, then yes you're in the right place. Bilbo Baggins at your service." He introduced himself with a little nod.

"Pleasure to meet you, Bilbo. May I come in?"

Bilbo was actually honored to let you in. Finally someone with a shred of respect.

You followed the hushed voices that led you a dinning room. Each chair was stuffed with a burly dwarf, they looked tightly packed like sardines in a can, but when they saw you their faces softened. Some of them allowed their mouthes to hang open.

You looked behind you as if you had missed something, or mistook them for looking at someone else behind you, "is something wrong?"

Gandalf stood from his chair at the silence, "Ah dear girl, welcome." Gandalf welcomed you as you made your way into the room, opting to stand at the back. It was uncomfortable the weight of the eyes on you. They had to be eyeing the sword attached to your back. That was what you told yourself anyway.

"Everyone, this is y/n. She is perhaps the most skilled fighters I've ever met. Y/n, welcome to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." Gandalf gestured to the dwarf beside him. The moment you locked eyes with his deep azure orbs you felt something inside you click. It was like a flame being lit. Something about this dwarf connected to you. All you could do was stare into those eyes. They bore into you with equal intensity. You could feel him trying to work this out as well. That was perhaps one of the strangest feelings you'd ever felt. You grew up knowing your own feelings but to feel another's? You didn't even know what the feeling was but regardless the nagging feeling deep in your gut told you that it meant something important. From this, birthed the feeling of wanting to protect this dwarf, wanting to learn whatever this new thing was before parting with it.

The silence had eaten up the room it was you who cleared your throat and spoke first, "it's a pleasure to meet you, Thorin. I hope we are successful in reclaiming your home."

Praise Mahal. You were a gift sent from Mahal himself. You had to be. You were strikingly and naturally beautiful any man could see that. What Thorin hadn't been prepared for was the way you looked at him and the feeling in his chest that he got from it. He had heard enough from his own people what it felt like to meet their one. A warmth enveloping the chest where the heart should be. Your eyes are the most gorgeous color he'd ever seen and the way they bore back into him rendered him speechless. It was as if to say, secret words had been passed between the two and he swore to the Gods that he felt your heart quicken in his own chest. He sensed your apprehension, and likeness to this strange feeling you were both sensing.

He knew what this was.

This was bad news for him. He couldn't deny that he wanted...maybe even needed you to go on this journey now. He wanted you at his side no matter what to keep you safe. Dwarves only get one soulmate; he intended to keep you with him. And when you spoke he knew that he was done for. Your voice was like music to his ears, tuned specifically for him.

This was definitely going to be a distraction.

He promised himself that he wouldn't tell you that you were his one until the very end...if he could make it that long.



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