Chapter Six

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"But by the common tongue it's known by another name,"Gandalf said with his hand on his hip, while he eyed the divine kingdom in the distance.

"Rivendell." You said gently. You really knew where you were the moment the dwarves entered the passage. There was a calmness and tranquility that surrounded the elven kingdom that couldn't be found anywhere else.

Thorin grumbled unhappily underneath you, turning to face the wizard, "This was your plan all along! I should've known that you would have us conversing with the enemy!"

"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield!" Gandalf snapped. You had to agree with the wizard on this one. Thorin would just have to overlook their differences.

"We need them Thorin. We've had no rest for a day, we need help reading the map, and not to mention I could use a safe place to heal. Unless you've forgotten that I've nearly broken my leg?" You said capturing his attention. He sighed loudly, very unhappy about this.

Gandalf ordered them to follow and Thorin was the only one to stay put.

"Come on, Thorin. What's the matter?"

Thorin started walking again  after adjusting his hold on you, "I don't care what the wizard says. We have no friends here."

You chuckled lightly, "easy, master dwarf. These elves have been most kind to me when I come visiting. They are my friends."

All the dwarf did was roll his eyes a little and continued grumbling incoherently.

After walking the rest of the way down—well rather you were carried, the company stopped on what appeared to be the front doorstep of the kingdom. Thorin set you down and you stood on one leg, holding him with a hand for support. Many in the company were lost in the beautiful landscape around them. For most of them, they'd never been inside an elven city—more than likely due to the dislike between elves and dwarves. You thought it was a shame really. If they could just set aside their differences, the two alliances might be a force to be reckoned with.

"Mithrandir!" A friendly voice greeted from a set of expertly crafted stairs. A tall and fair ellon descended, his long straight brown hair falling over his shoulders.

"Ah, Lindir!" Gandalf called to him, his face showing nothing but relief and happiness to see the elf. They greeted each other with their hands on their chests extending outwards.

Lindir was an elf you met only briefly during your few times of visiting. He was a kind elf and essential to the kingdom when Elrond was not around. The elf began to speak elvish to Gandalf.

Thorin grumbled, "Of course they would speak so we could not listen."

"I must speak to Lord Elrond," Gandalf declared. At least he spoke so all could understand.

Lindir shook his head, "my a lord Elrond isn't here."

"Then where is he?" The wizard inquired.

Just then a horn sounded from afar. It was an elvish horn. Their riders were signaling their return. Deep down you had a feeling this was going to go bad for the dwarves.

Like you had thought, the riders came rushing in on horseback. Above the company, they were almost giants. It was so intimidating that Thorin felt it imperative to shove you and Bilbo into the middle of the group. Not having support you lost your balance and collapsed on the tile beneath you. A cry of pain coming from your lips as white heat pulsed through your leg.

A hand rested on your shoulder. From the tingles you knew it was Thorin.

"Is that y/n?" Came a calm yet strong voice. You looked to who spoke, through the hair in your face, to see Lord Elrond eying you with concerned eyes, "what on earth are you doing with dwarves?"

You bit through the pain, "it's a long story." You swallowed hard.

"You are injured," he noted and you nodded. "I suspect it was the pack of orcs that have come so close to our borders. Someone or something has drawn them near."

"Oh that may have been us," Gandalf said sheepishly.

Elrond nodded, "I want to hear all about it and get to know this company you've brought with you." He looked over them, especially Thorin when he stepped closer to reveal his presence.

"I do not believe we have met." Thorin spoke gently.

Elrond nodded as he observed the dwarf king, "you have your grandfathers bearing. Yes, I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain."

"Indeed? He made no mention of you." Thorin said. Although he meant nothing by it, it still sounded a little harsh.

Thankfully Elrond changed the subject offering the company food and rest, "I will have a healer collect young y/n."

"I will take her." Thorin said. It wasn't a matter of debate from his tone. He carefully picked you up again, and followed an elven healer.

She lead him to a private chamber. Not much was inside the small quarter, but a bed, a fire place, and a small kitchen. Thorin laid you carefully on the bed, eyeing the elf maiden.

The elleth picked up some herbs from the table, "you may go master dwarf, she is in safe hands."

Thorin looked from the healer to you as if asking if you were ok with this.

As if sending the dwarfs apprehension the healer assured him, "I'm just going to give her something to help her sleep. Her body will do the rest. She should be awake come supper."

Thorin gave a little bow of his head and with a final glance your way he went out the door.

The elleth giggled to herself quietly, "he cares for you."

You smiled, "I thought I was the only one who could see it."

The elleth returned your attention to the herbs when she lit the end of it and it began to smoke. She held it in front of your nose and wafted it towards you.

"Deep breaths, lady y/n. The more you breath in the more it works." She instructed.

The floral smell was a pleasant one. It was sweet as it filled your senses and you felt your body begin to react to the herbs. You felt more and more drowsy till you could no longer keep your eyes open. You continued breathing in the herbs until the world went blissfully dark, and a peaceful rest overtook you.

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