Chapter Twelve

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Once you had safely flown everyone to the ground, you traded the giant eagle for a saber tooth cat. You'd only seen one before and after that you never saw it again.

Thorin also noticed the large cat that stood a little taller than him, "I don't think I've seen a large cat with teeth like that before."

You walked beside him in the line of the company, very few have. I only ever saw the one and I never saw it again. Maybe it was the last of its kind.

Thorin hummed in response looking back at you, "Shame you can't shift back without your clothes. I'd give you something of mine if I had any to give. Pity to lose all of our gear in the goblin kingdom."

You gently nudged his shoulder and he ran his finger through your snowy white fur, it's alright. With Azog hunting us, I feel safer like this for anyhow. The mix of goblin and orc blood however, you looked down at your chest, reeks something awful.

Thorin sighed and looked at the sky, the sun was just setting, he called to Gandalf who was leading up ahead, "Gandalf, let's break here and get a fire going. We'll resume at first light."

The company said a few words of thanks before making a camp for the night.

Bomber sat on a fallen log and held his large belly, "I'm starvin'" and looked sadly to the ground. Many of the other dwarves, including yourself shared this feeling.

You turned to Thorin, I'll hunt us something. But first I need to get this filth off of my fur. If I'm hearing correctly, there's a waterfall somewhere near. Would you join me?

Thorin smiled and nodded, looking back at the company, "y/n, and I will bring us back something to eat. We shall return shortly. Dwalin, you're on watch."

The company gave a few "ayes" in agreement.

You bent down and Thorin looked at you in confusion.

The large cat huffed in a little laugh, get on. I'm not waiting for you to keep up.

Thorin smirked at that. He hopped onto your back and dug his fingers into your fur, a little wobbly in his seat on your back.

This'll be fun. Hold on tight.

"Hold on tight? Don't go so-" he was cut off by a growl from you. You bolted through the forest, making Thorin latch onto you as if his life deepened on it. You leapt over fallen trees and scaled large rocks. Giving the dwarf king a little taste of your power and the freedom that came with it. After a while of you zooming over the land he relaxed and elicited a few hearty laughs, he was really enjoying this liberating feeling.

You slowed to a stop once you heard the little waterfall you'd heard. Thorin hopped off your back, breathing a little heavily.

"That wasn't so bad I suppose." He breath as he watched you.

You huffed and sniffed the water, a little steam coming off of it, I think we have luck on our side. This pool is quite warm.

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