Chapter Fifteen

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Beorn had been most generous with his spread of breakfast. You'd never seen such huge amounts of food laid before you. As much as you tried to eat one of everything it was in vain. The honey cakes had easily become your favorite and you couldn't stop eating them. Your cheeks were rounded in fullness of it and a content smile on your face.

Beorn chuckled while he refilled your jug of milk, "Those were your mothers favorite. It is her recipe too."

Your eyes widened and you swallowed the sweet treat, "It is? You have to teach me how to make them sometime, Uncle."

He allowed a small smile to show itself, "of course, little one."

Beorn looked over the dwarves and sighed, "you need to reach the mountain before the last day days of autumn. You are running out of time.

Gandalf nodded and spoke around his food, " which is why we must go through Mirkwood."

Beorn scrunched his nose and made a groan of disgust, " a darkness lies upon that forest. Fell things creep beneath the trees. I would not venture there except in great need."

The wizard thought for a moment, "we will take the elven road—that path is still safe."

Beorn looked at Gandalf as if he had spoken out of turn, "safe? Nothing in that forest is safe. The elves of Mirkwood are not like their kin. They are less wise and more dangerous." Beorn looked over the company and then his eyes rested on you, "I could care less for these dwarves, but my niece is mated to one. It is a sacred thing amongst our people. I will help you for her. What do you need?"

You shared a look with Thorin who seemed blown away by Beorn's sudden decision to help. It was the luck they sorely needed.

After breakfast Beorn gave the group plenty of food and supplies to get them to the mountain. He even supplied them with his own horses that he treasured more than anything in his possession. You had decided to shift into a horse, allowing Thorin to sit atop your back. Finding clothes at the moment seemed like less of a necessity. You were still too afraid to get comfortable in human skin with the treat of orcs near.

You walked on your own accord over to Beorn who stood beside Gandalf.

It was a blessing to meet you. You thought and Thorin translated.

Beorn used a hand to pet your long face, "as it was you. There will be a battle when you finally get inside that mountain. Everyone will have a claim to the gold."

Are you with us when the fight comes? Thorin translated again.

Beorn nodded, " yes. To protect my kin I would do anything."

You rubbed your head against him at that, but, Beorn...what if I were to look at Smaug? Do you think I could live through a transformation like that? Orcs continue to grow in number every day. It would be a valuable weapon to have.

Your uncle looked at your for a moment, "it is risky, y/n. Far too risky. Even the wisest cannot be certain of what would happen. There was one skin changer, many ages ago, rumored to have seen a dragon and was able to make the shift. It was a tale when I was growing up. No one really knew if it was true. But the pain...y/n if it was possible, it would be worse than your first shift."

That was what you were fearing. Pain like almost wasn't worth it.

You made your horse head nod in understanding. You rubbed your head against Beorn's chest one last time before galloping off to the others who were waiting. Once Gandalf was mounted up, it was time to head out.

The entrance to Mirkwood was...very unsightly. The trees that should've bore healthy branches of green, were either dead or drying. The trees were wrapped in colorful fungus and thorny vines. This was not a welcoming place in the slightest.

"Well that's elves for you." Thorin said above you.

You snorted and rolled your eyes as much as a horse could. Thorin hopped down off your back and went to help his the other get their supplies off the horses. They would have to return the beasts to Beorn, who was keep watch on the ridge beyond.

You walked up to Gandalf and Bilbo who were inspecting the entrance.

"The elven gate, "the wizard noted," here lies our path through Mirkwood." Gandalf turned to you, "Any danger nearby, y/n?"

You lowered your head to the ground and sniffed, then sniffed the air around the entrance. You smelled nothing but the dying forest. You shook your head no.

"Good. No sign of orcs then. We have luck on our side."

You looked back to see that the horses had been set loose and they were beautifully galloping back to their home with Beorn. You glanced at Beorn on the hill. You reared and let out a loud neigh. Hopefully that was good enough of a goodbye.

He stood on his own back legs and roared, before running back to his home.

"This forest feels sick," Bilbo started as he observed the trees like you did, "as if a disease lies upon it. Is there no way around?"

Gandalf sighed, "not unless we go 200 miles north and twice that distance...south."

Every bone in your body was begging you not to in forest but it was a necessity at this point. There was something truly dark and evil about it. There was more to this forest than just disease. Cursed might be a better term.

Feeling not as safe in this form you changed into a bear, heading back toward Thorin. That was when the wizard decided to abandon you. It was convenient really. Just before entering the scary dark woods, he claims he has imported matter to tend to. Wizards. Only thinking about themselves.

Gandalf left in quite a hurry, uttering final words of guidance before departing, "the very air of the forest is heavy with illusion. It'll seek to enter your mind and lead you astray. No matter what may come stay on the path!"

It sounded a lot more like a warning than guidance. Against your will, you put one paw in front of the other and entered the forest.


A/N: not too much happening with this chapter. Next will have some action!


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