Chapter Seven

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You inhaled deeply and stirred under the blankets. Feeling energized enough to open your eyes you allowed them to slowly take in your surroundings. A golden light was pouring in through the open elven windows. It filtered in and and hit everything just right making the room look similar to a painting.

The sudden grumbling of your stomach capture your attention and you groaned. You hadn't had anything since before the troll incident. Tossing the white silky sheets away you looked at your injured leg only now it looked ten times better. The swelling had gone down completely. So much so that you thought you might try walking on it.

You placed both feet on the floor and sat on the edge of the bed. Thorin's coat still hung around your form bringing you more comfort than you would admit to openly.

You started by standing on your good leg and then placed a little weight in the previously injured leg. There was still a bit of an achy feeling deep within but it held up nicely. It would have to do.

You spotted the closet and made your way over to it. They didn't have any outfits with shirts and pants in this home. A dress would have to do for now until you could get to your pack. You slipped on a long white dress made of a comfortable, soft, yet stretchy fabric. Once that was done you made your way to the food hall. You could already smell the food being prepared and it made your mouth water. The elves preferred not to have meat, which was fine in your book, anything sounded good right now.

You limped down a small flight of stairs, one hand on the rail, the other, clutching Thorin's coat which was neatly folded over your arm. No doubt he was probably missing it.

The sound of dwarf chatter, gutteral laughter, and merriment met ears. You guessed you should've known they weren't going to behave themselves entirely. This fact alone made you roll your eyes.

As you descended the last step you saw the company having a wonderful time. Then a screech from a chair caught your attention. You looked to the sound and saw Thorin had abruptly stood up and his gaze was locked on you. His hands nervously clasped in front of him.

The dwarves' laughter had seized as they looked at Thorin and followed his gaze to you. It was as if some lightbulb went off in each one of their heads and they too abruptly stood from their chairs and clasped their hands in front of them.

Their behave was most peculiar. Was there some royal presence behind you that you were unaware of? You turned to look behind you and saw no one. They were doing this for you? Deep confusion overtook you and you blinked away a confused expression and limped over to the king's table with the dwarves, Thorin was seated separately with Gandalf and Lord Elrond. It looked like another seat had been placed there for you.

You neared Balin at the company's table, "sit, there's no need for that." Balin gave the other dwarves a strange look before sitting and the rest followed.

You limped by them as Bilbo stopped you, "How is your leg?"

You gave him a warm smile. You leaned down and moved the dress out of the way to show him, "The swelling is gone completely. There's a little pain but nothing I can't handle. I appreciate the concern, dear Bilbo."

The hobbit blushed a little as he went back to eating and you continued over to Thorin who was still standing.

You held out the coat to him, "The standing ovation was unexpected."

He took his coat from you and cleared his throat, "Forgive me, I don't know what came over me."

You shook your head, "There's nothing to forgive. It was sweet." You smiled bashfully before pulling out your chair and sitting down. You glanced and Gandalf and Elrond who looked happy to see you up and walking.

"Y/n, it has been too long. Where have you been all these years?" Elrond asked kindly.

You shrugged, "It's a bit of a long story, but to put it simply, I'd been following something. What it is I do not know, just a feeling as my guide. Eventually, it lead me to master Bilbo's door. Now, here I am."

Elrond looked impressed, "on a quest to take back a dwarven homeland where a dragon lie dormant?" Elrond looked you over with a quizzical eye, "one might think that you want to see the dragon for yourself."

You sighed glancing at Thorin who was already looking at you. You'd been found out, "partly."

Elrond looked like he had more to say but he bit his tongue and returned his attention to Gandalf. You looked at the food in front of you and forked a few bites into your mouth. The taste was so sweet it made you sigh outwardly.

You glanced at Thorin who was seated in front of you again, and found he was still watching you intently. He wasn't even eating since you'd arrived it seemed.

It's kind of rude to stare. You passively thought.

You look absolutely ethereal.

Your eyes shot to him then. That was the first time he'd ever communicated with you through the mind. And what he had said alone was enough to make your heart skip a beat. The way he looked at you now as if you were the most beautiful thing in the world he'd ever seen.

You are.

You blinked at him in surprise as your face grew impossibly red. You tried to mentally put up your walls. Why was he saying these things now? You liked it don't get yourself wrong, even a part of you wanted to hear more of his adorations. You blinked away from his gaze and focused on the plate in front of you.

The rest of the dinner carried on in silence from your part, while the dwarves were happily making the elves uncomfortable. They threw food and danced on the table. If Thorin's words hadn't been swirling in your head still, you might've laughed. All you could think was of was his complimentary words and how his voice in your own head caused goosebumps to rise on your flesh.

When dinner was over you wanted a little solitude even though you could feel someone's eyes burning holes in your back as you limped off in search of the gardens you'd missed so much.


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