Chapter Thirty

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Ravenhill was empty.

At least it appeared that way. You perched yourself on the side of the hill, looking for any sign of Azog or other orcs to kill and saw nothing. It was too quiet even.

You growled, "something isn't right."

Dwalin agreed, "Aye. I think Azog has fled."

Thorin shook his head at that, "That is very unlikely. Fili, take your brother and scout the towers".

"No!" You ordered, "stay together. I can smell them; they're here. It's an ambush."

After a moment of eerie silence a flutter of wings met your ears making you let out another growl.

"What?" Thorin wondered.

"Goblin mercenaries, no more than a hundred and battle bats from Gundabad. I'll hold them off. Stay together!" You ordered before pushing off the hill and taking to the skies.

The bats from Gundabad flew in such dense groups that no light could be seen through their wings. The swarmed to you immediately and we're met with dragon fire. A few still clung to your wings and tried to nip at your skin, earning them a few broken teeth. Foolish bats.

You quarreled with them for what felt like hours until they finally took the hint that fighting you would only mean certain death. They flew away or targeted easier prey allowing you to focus on some of the goblins that were attacking Ravenhill. It made Thorin's allies extremely out numbered but with your help, the goblins numbers were decreasing.

You had been so occupied with a group of goblins that attempted to bring a stone tower down on you that you hadn't had the chance to protect Thorin or even know what he was currently doing.

Unfortunately, he was in an intense battle with Azog. One you had realized a too late.

You'd just finished liking a goblin when a sharp pain shot through your chest, taking your breath away. You were actually convinced that this injury was your own, the pain was so real, but upon looking, there was no injury to yourself. That could only have meant one thing.

"Thorin," you whispered into the air. Looking back to where he was, you saw that Azog had impaled Thorin's own sword into his chest.

You were frozen in both fear and pain at the sight. Thorin must've known that was going to happen or at least planned for it in some way, because now it gave him the ability to get Azog within arms reach. He quickly jammed his own weapon right through Azog's armor. The pale orc's blue eyes widened before he fell back and into the broken ice.

You sprung up from your position and sloppily flies down to Thorin as the pain could be felt within your own chest.

"Thorin!" You cried. Your weight landing on the ice caused it to break even more. Not even caring about your modesty you shifted back into a human so you could safely be at his side.

"Oh by the stars," you gasped looking at his deep gut wound. It was bad. Very bad. You didn't even have the ability to heal something like this, no one did. You were so careful with his body, too afraid to touch him as if he were made of glass. Rubbing your hands nervously over your face, smeared his blood on you.

"Y/n," Thorin spoke calmly.

You didn't even hear him your were rambling to yourself with tear filled eyes, trying to think of something you could do. Anything.

"Y/n," he said a little bit more firm making you finally look at him, "Look at me. I'm..." he coughed and you tried to shush him, "I'm finished."

You shook your head, his words making more tears fall over your cheeks, "no no. You're not. There's got to be something we can do."

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