Chapter Twenty-Six

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The preparations for war went under way rather quickly. There were men learning how to use dwarven weapons, barricades being made, and strategies discussed amongst the fighting men.

You walked around watching everyone prepare for the battle. Deep down you knew you just didn't have the number necessary for a win, even with a dragon.

"Y/n! There you are!" Bard called and waved you over, "a word, please?"

You greeted him with a smile, "Hello again. I don't believe we've really had the chance to officially meet. Considering last time, we were smuggled into your home."

The man laughed, "Right. And you were my temporary pet."

You laughed too, " That's not even the craziest thing we've had to do for this quest. But that's a story for another time, what can I do for you?"

Bard looked down at his feet and scratched the back of his neck making your brows furrow," it's just...we've sent out riders, my lady. This army of orcs is no where to be seen. And to move that distance from Dol Guldor in daylight? It's unheard of."

You nodded, "I know orcs are usually sharp as a marble, but you shouldn't underestimate them. Theyre full of tricks and surprises. They're not traveling on top of the ground, they're under it."

Bard's eyes widened, "under it? How do they have the ability to do that?"

"Wereworms," you shrugged as if it made perfect sense.

"Wereworms? Now that is interesting."

You smiled, "here," you grabbed his hands and closed your eyes, "listen." You extended your senses to Bard and he too closed his eyes and then he heard it. The earth rumbling deep below the ground. The loud moan of a Wereworms sonar call, the the crunching of large rocks.

You dropped his hands when finished, "we have a week maybe two if we're lucky."

A voice in your head caught you off guard, just so you know, I don't like sharing.

You turned and saw Thorin staring at you from in the crowd of people.

That's cute. You're jealous. You folded your arms defiantly.

You could see Thorin grumble and eye Bard, I am not. But he needs to keep his filthy hands off of what belongs to me.

You hummed, Maybe later you can show me who I belong to.

Bard cleared his throat, "you...can you talk to each other?"

You looked back to Bard, having forgotten he was there, "oh sorry, Bard. Yes, we can. We are soulmates and telepathic communication is normal for my kind."

He nodded, "he doesn't like me, does he?"

"Umm," you voiced, "you're growing on him." You patted his shoulder and walked off.

Just then Bilbo was running into the room, calling to Thorin and excusing himself to get by the crowd of people, "Thorin! Thorin I've found something!"

"What is it you've found?" Thorin asked when Bilbo came up to him.

The conversation had drawn a crowd.

Bilbo said nothing in reply. Only holding up something that emitted different colors of light. A shiny rounded jewel that was unmistakably beautiful. This was the arkenstone. There could be no doubt when actually in its presence.

Thorin paled and his mouth gaped, "the arkenstone." He said breathlessly.

You walked over to him and stepped beside him as he took the jewel in his hands.

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