Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: so sorry for the delay I have a killer sinus infection that is turning into an ear infection too. Someone put me out of my misery please.


Before reaching the next stop, Bard called out, "Quiet! We're approaching the toll gate."

You watched as Bard pulled up to the boardwalk and halted the barge. An older man had noticed the boats arrival and said, "Goods inspection!"

Your heart dropped into your stomach. Goods inspection? They better not go digging around in the barrels. That could be disastrous. You could feel Thorin's own nerves under stress as well at the thought.

"Hello, Percy," Bard greeted. If he was worried, he didn't show it and his confidence almost had you calming down. Almost. And thankfully, it sounds like Bard knew this older man.

"Oh, it's you, Bard! Anything to declare?" The older man named Percy looked over the barrels of fish.

Bard shook his head, "No. Only that I am cold and tired and ready for home."

"You and me both, Bard," Percy agreed. He spotted you and raise a brow, "oh, a dog! How fun! Is this your new pet?"

"Uh," Bard looked down at you and you did nothing letting him answer this, "yes. I saw it wandering out there. Thought it could use a home."

Percy nodded, "your girls are going to love it. Well here you are, Bard." He stamped a piece of paper and handed it to Bard, "Everything is in order."

You sighed in relief at that.

"" Came a new voice from behind Percy and snatched the stamped ticket in his own hand.

He was a....rather ugly human being. Long greasy hair hung down from under his black cotton hat. A dark uniborwn was forming on his face that was hard to tear your eyes from. He was almost a sickly pale and with an overwhelming entitled charisma about him. Whoever and whatever this man was, he was on your enemy radar immediately.

He read the ticket, "'consignment of empty barrels from the woodland realm'. Only...they're not empty."

You growled lowly.

The man continued and pointed an accusing finger at Bard, "If I recall correctly, you're licensed as a barge man; not a fisherman."

You snarled and went to walk forward. He needed a good bite on the hand or leg. Bard placed a foot in front of you stopping you.

"It's none of your business, Alfred."

"Wrong," said this "Alfred" pompously, "it's the master's business. Which makes it my business."

Bard looked increasingly annoyed at Alfred, "oh come on, Alfred, have a heart. People need to eat!"

Alfred brought down a hand and picked up a fish making you bark at him. He eyed you suspiciously, "these fish are illegal. You need to get a handle on that, mutt, Bard. It wants to bite me!" Alfred threw the fish into the water and looked at the you in repressed fear.

Mutt?! You growled louder and jumped around Bard's foot in your way, trying to get to Alfred. He backed up against the boat railing and stared wide-eyed

Bard rolled his eyes, " I might just let her. It would be good for everyone! Alfred, I beg you, people are starving!"

Alfred glared at Bard, "They're illegal! Empty the barrels over the side!"

A man came up and you tried your best to protect the barrel with a dwarf in it—you weren't sure who.

When he went to grab the barrel you snapped forward, attempting to bite him.

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