Chapter Twenty-Five

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You screamed in pain and cried while you were carried. The deep gashes in your arm and leg burned like fire.

Thorin set you down in a private room as Oin quickly prepared a fire.

"Do something!" You wept, "please."

Thorin's brows furrowed as tears formed in his own eyes. He could do nothin but hold you down. He felt increasingly helpless in this very moment and it killed him.

"Oin!" Thorin roared.

Oin popped back up by his side, "fire's ready. Hold her down, Thorin, this isn't going to tickle."

The medic of the company held an iron rod into the fire. Once he felt it was hot enough he hovered it above your bicep bite.

"I'm sorry, y/n." He whispered under your cries before placing the end of the rod on the a few bite marks.

In response you let out a blood curdling scream. The skin sizzled and popped under the heat as it sealed. The dwarves watched anxiously as your chest lit up. For a moment they thought you were going to breath fire as your body naturally tried to get the thing away that's hurting it. But your shaking and movements seized when your eyes rolled back into your head and you went limp.

"What's happened?" Thorin fretted looking over you.

"She's just passed out. The blood loss and the pain was too much for her to bear. It's a blessing in her case. When she wakes up, we'll be finished. Go get the gauze, antibacterial cream, and wraps." Oin instructed.

Thorin looked back to your sleeping form.

Oin rolled his eyes, "Quickly, Thorin! We don't know when she'll wake!"

Thorin gave a quick nod before running out of the room to get the supplies.


Feeling a soft sensation press on your thigh you stirred and let out a groan of pain after doing so.

"Shh, lie still," instructed a familiar deep voice.

Your eyes fluttered open to see Thorin hovering over your leg and carefully wrapping a bandaged over it.

You hummed and laid your head back down. You didn't remember Oin cauterizing the thigh wound but at some point he must've. Why couldn't you remember it though?

"You passed out, darling." Thorin answered calmly.

"That explains." You mumbled rubbing your face. Suddenly a thought occurred to you, hitting you like an avalanche, "Thorin!" You gasped sitting up.

He jumped and stared at you with wide eyes," what?!" He rest his hand on your shoulder to try to get you to lay back down.

"There's an army coming, Thorin! We have to prepare! There's so much to-"

"Shh Shh," he held his hands up, " slow down. What army?"

You took a deep breath and ran a hand through your hair, your wounded arm, held Thorin's coat close to your chest.

"There's legions of orcs marching on the mountain from Dol Guldur. Azog is leading them."

Thorin tensed and looked away, "how much time do we have?"

"Less than a month at least. We need allies, Thorin. We cannot defeat them on our own."

Thorin thought for a moment before exhaling and running a hand over his face, "but we have a dragon."

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