Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N: *none of the images used are mine.* I personally don't feel like it came out as pictured in my head. But I hope you all enjoy!


Lure a dragon...

Saying it and doing it were two different things. How does one even lure out a dragon? You supposed that he was coming for the company either way but in their stead he would find you.

You walked to the front entrance of Erebor and called to him there. You cupped your hands over your mouth and let out a pained female dragon cry. You supposed that Smaug, as a male, like most males, have that insatiable yearn for a woman. A female dragon call might just be the key to pulling him out. You let out a few calls, that echoed inside the kingdom.

There was silence for a moment and then you heard Smaug's heavy steps as he cautiously entered the room.

He looked around for you, "What is this? It's been an age since female dragons were seen. Where are you?" He sniffed the air in vain as all he could smell was dragon—himself.

Your voice echoed off the halls and allowed you to toy with him a bit. Having the upper hand with a hidden location was a great start to this encounter. Your voice didn't sound like your own, it was stronger, deeper, and more powerful.

"Oh Smaug, you didn't think you could guard that treasure forever did you?"

He snarled, "I did. And I will."

"Your desolation has come to an end." You told him.

He still looked around following your echo, "where are you, voice in the shadows?"

"I am everywhere. I am every creature that walks this world. I am you, Smaug. And you are me."

Smaug snarled, "Riddles are for children. Show yourself! Who would dare challenge me?"

"I do." Came your normal voice. You stood outside the entrance of Erebor.

Smaug smiled wickedly, walking towards you. He let out a laugh, "You think you can kill me? You are a weak human. You will do nothing."

The closer he got the more your heart raced. Anyone who remained calm in the face of a dragon wasn't to be trusted. Yes, you were scared. You had never faced a dragon before and then there was the final transformation to make. You didn't know with 100% certainty if there were going to be any repercussions of that.

You looked to the company who watched eagerly on the cliffs.

Smaug followed your gaze, "I don't know what game you're playing at, but it ends now. Even though you smell like dragon, you are not. To make matter worse, you're scheming with those dwarves! Now, you will burn!"

You held your head up high as he opened his mouth and his belly lit up all the way to his throat. You braced yourself as he blew hot dragon fire over you.

"No!!" You heard Thorin yell from the cliffs.

The fire subsided leaving you standing there, unharmed. You had felt the heat rushing over you like water but it did nothing to you. There was no pain. Your clothes had been vaporized, however. You felt hot tears trickle down your cheeks in fear. You had no idea if you would have survived that but you did.

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