Chapter Nine

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The morning sun warmed the skin of your face and thus the reason for your waking. You stirred and felt another body next to your own. Looking down beside you was Thorin. A half naked Thorin. You felt your cheeks burn at the sight and noted the now scarred mark on his neck. A little swell of pride surged through you. You had claimed him and now he was yours through and through. That thought alone was beginning to do things to you.

You leaned down and so carefully placed your lips over the mark. He stirred a little and you took it a step further and licked it. He groaned beneath you.

"Don't start something you can't finish," his raspy voice warned.

"Who said I intended on stopping?" You smiled playfully and took his lips in your own. He met your kiss with equal fervor and pulled you on top of him. Without warning you slid onto his member making his fingers dig into your flesh.

You ground your hips on him making him flinch and gasp. The sensation being buried in his one after completing your courting ritual, everything seemed amplified.

You smiled darkly, "I want everyone to know that claimed you, that you're mine." You we're honestly a little surprised that Thorin was ok with being dominated like this. If he wanted you to have the control you had no problem with that.

The next moments were a mix of grunts and pleasurable sounds from the both of you until you blissfully came together and came down from your high.


The trek back to Rivendell was peaceful. It felt like this wall that had been between you was finally knocked down and you could naturally be how you were supposed to be together.

You entered the company's quarters and stopped abruptly when the dwarves dropped what they were doing and stood at attention at your entrance.

You scoffed, "I'm so sorry, am I missing something? What has gotten into you all? It's just me."

Thorin put a hand on your shoulder, "they recognize their queen."

Your gaze shot to him. You hadn't even really thought about being queen. Him saying it made you go a little pale. Although it was a nice gesture from the dwarves.

Thorin elaborated, "at ease, everyone. You needn't do that anymore." He turned to you now, "although we aren't married, they know it is you who is my one. They...pieced it together themselves and knew what I could not come to terms with until last night."

You nodded in understanding, "I see." You noted their packed bags and last minute packing," and are we leaving this morning?"

Thorin nodded, "we cannot spend anymore time here we need to be on the move. I think Bilbo has saved your pack from the trolls."

Oh you'd nearly forgotten the whole ordeal with the trolls. You nodded and sighed, all too soon you would be leaving the last homely house this side of middle earth. You would miss it dearly. Maybe one day thorin would accompany you to visit one day.

The road the company took grew very hilly and their path kept getting higher and higher off the ground.

The looming dark clouds above you and dreaded feeling in your bones were all signifiers of a storm brewing. And you hated storms with a passion.

"Thorin," you called, "I think we should make camp. It's going to rain and from the looks of it pretty badly."

"Sorry darling, we keep moving. Not even the rain will hinder our cause." He breathed but kept walking without even turning around. You couldn't help but roll your eyes. A poor decision really.

A few miles later the path was very high off the ground and it looked like it was only going to get worse. A bolt of lightening struck the ground and thunder clapped following it making you nearly jump out of your skin. The dwarves had been caught off guard as well.

Now they knew you had been right. You made eye contact with Dori and gave a knowing look. A since of dread filled the dwarf but he kept going on.


You hated being right.

Now here you were, caught in the middle of possibly the worst storm you'd ever seen, suspended thousands off feet above the ground on this tiny little path on the mountain side. You hoped Thorin wished he had listened to you. You didn't even care if he heard that confession either!

You clung to the rock with white knuckles. The wind tried in vain to blow your hair but it was stuck in unsatisfactory clumps on your face. You had yet to tell Thorin of your dislike for very loud noises. Then again you didn't think it was ever going to be relevant.

Another loud clap of thunder followed a bolt of lightning. You whimpered and turned your head to the rock, trying horrendously to hide from the storm.

A tap on your hip made you look at the source. Bofur.

"Come on, lass!" He yelled over the howling storm, "just a wee bit further?"

You nodded and took a few steps, still clinging to the mountain for dear life.

Another boom of thunder made you jump and stop walking. You couldn't do it. Each flash of lightning brought a flash of trauma. Your time enslaved at Azog's hands, whips striking you over and over again.


His voice was louder than the thunder and more tranquil. Louder than the thoughts that plagued couldn't even tell if he had said it or had thought it. You felt the familiar weight of his hand on your waist trying to guide you along.

"I-I can't, Thorin." You voice sounded so weak you hadn't even realized you were crying from how wet your face was.

Thorin brought his face closer to your own and cradled your head with a hand, "you must." He didn't have the slightest clue on how to get you to move but he wanted to try something. He cupped your cheek and closed his eyes. He willed his own calm and peace upon you and like magic it flowed from him and into you.

You felt your breathing slow and suddenly you weren't as afraid any more. You met Thorin's eyes with softer ones.

"That's better." He gave a small smile, "hold my hand and do not let go alright? There must be some shelter on this godforsaken mountain".

Shelter was an earned luxury. And that first meant having to go through a battle of storm giants. This was a sight you had never even seen before. As marvelous as it was to behold, it was dangerous to be anywhere in the vicinity—let alone be on a giants knee.

Somehow, by the grace of some god up above, the company survived the ordeal. Taking refuge in a cave. However, caves in the mountains were seldom unoccupied.


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