Chapter Thirteen

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A week and a half later, Azog and his band of orcs had finally caught up with company. Each day was a guessing game of when they would attack. But thanks to your heightened senses, the company was able to get out of trouble at the last second.

You were watching the orc pack from a distance, with Bilbo at your side. They were close, too close.

"We need to move now." Bilbo said.

You nodded when a smell met your nose. It smelled musty and earthy which was nothing like the orc's scent. You turned your head and saw a giant bear also watch the orc pack.

The saber car you currently were let out a small chirp getting Bilbos attention. He met your gaze and gasped," yes we most certainly need to leave now!"

You scampered back down to where the others were waiting for your verdict. You rubbed your head against Thorin giving a low warning growl.

"What is it?" Thorin asked the both of you.

"They saw you!" Gandalf fretted.

Bilbo shook his head, "no they didn't see us. There's-"

Gandalf cut him off, laughing, "see what did I tell you, he's excellent burglar material!"

The hobbit tried once more, "no! Would you just listen! I'm trying to tell you-"

But he was cut off once again which made you frustrated. You let out a roar, silencing them and making them flinch in surprise.

Bilbo gave you a grateful look, "I'm trying to tell you that something else is out there."

Gandalfs face dropped, "what for did it take? Like a bear?"

You and Bilbo looked at each other in surprise. How did he know?

"Y-yes, but bigger—much bigger! Almost y/n's size."

Gandalf took a moment in thought.

Bofur looked at the wizard in anger, "you knew about this beast?"

Gandalf nodded, "there is a house: not far from here where we might take refuge."

You rolled your eyes and Thorin inquired in worry, "who's house? Are they friend or foe?"

Gandalf shifted his weight nervously as all eyes looked to him, "neither. He will help us or he will kill us."

He made it sound like this bear was capable of doing other things which was something you'd never know a bear to do—aside from yourself. With the prospect of another bear in the vicinity you took to opportunity to transform into your own bear.

Thorin hesitated for a moment, glancing at you, then to Gandalf again, "what choice do we have?"

Then a piercing roar sounded from behind the company. Out of instinct you roar back threateningly.

"None. Run!" Gandalf order and made a mad dash out of the rocky outcropping.

You followed from behind to make sure everyone was safe.

You covered more ground than you had expected. Over beautiful lush plains and through thick forestry again. It was here that another roar sounded and it sounded even closer than the last one.

Through the clearing a little cabin nestled away safely came into view. You could hear the pounding of steps behind you combined with the deep panting of the strange bear.

"Y/n! Buy us some time!" Gandalf yelled from ahead. You watched the dwarves begin to trickle into the cabin when you heard the beast spring from the trees behind you.

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