Chapter Four

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You looked around at the dwarves as they went about setting up camp. It was absurd really. Why is it that Thorin was the only person who could hear you? What if it was a dwarf thing.

With new found courage you padded over to Bofur and bent down your head to look him in the eyes.

Can you hear me, Bofur?

All Bofur did was step back a few feet and eye you strangely. No good.

You saw Fili and Kili walk behind you. What if it was a blood related thing? You pounced in front of them, and put your paws on the ground tail wagging in the air.

I know you two can hear me!

Fili smiled, "awwh she's really rather cute, isn't she, brother? Look, I think she wants to play!"

Fili reached hand out and scratched your head. Your ears went back and your tail drooped.

"They can't hear you," you heard Thorin's voice across camp from where he tied some wood together.

You snarled in his direction. I've never had this happen before. Forgive me for trying.

Dwalin looked at Thorin like he'd grown a third eye, "I didn't ask ya nothin'."

Thorin's looked between you and Dwalin. He didn't realize that he must look crazy just talking to noone when no one asked.

He sighed, "it's y/n. She's talking to you—er trying to. For some reason we cannot understand, is why I can hear her and you all cannot." Although this is what he wants his men to believe it's just a bit of a lie. He knew that it had to have something to do with you being his one.

The dwarves shared glances between the two beings and muttered their own remakes about how strange that was.

You gave up and went over by the fire. Eager to get your mind off of this even if it was watching Bombur cook.


The night grew older and a bowl of stew was placed in front of you. You happily licked at the contents and earned yourself a few disgusted glances from the dwarves. You stopped eating abruptly when a snap in the distance sounded.

You quickly turned and surveyed the tree line. Although you didn't see anything, you had a bad feeling brewing in your gut—and it wasn't from the stew.

You accidentally let a low growl escape. The dwarves looked to where you were watching.

"I don't see anything?" Gloin scratched his head.

Bilbo nervously fidgeted with the buttons on his shirt, "Fili and Kili have been gone a while now."

Then you heard it. Talking. It was faint. Very faint. Three different voices all detailing how they killed the farmer and his family.

You growled again and stood up; the hair on your back standing up.

"What is it?" Thorin wondering, feeling the tension within you building.


As if on queue Fili and Kili come bursting through the brush, completely out of breath, "the ponies!" Kili called, "trolls have taken the ponies!"

You let out a loud growl then that was probably closer to a roar and charged into the forest, ignoring Thorin's shouts for you. The dwarves rallied and joined in the fight following you closely.

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