Chapter Two

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The rest of the meeting at Bilbo's entailed Gandalf revealing a map of Erebor. There were words detailing of a secret passage inside the mountain only Gandalf didn't have the eyes to read it inscription. You sighed, already knowing that that would mean a trip to the elves. This would prove difficult because...well everyone knew that dwarves and elves did not get a long.

Of course during the meeting, Thorin kept chancing glances your way and you'd be lying if you said you weren't doing the same. You wanted to figure this dwarf out for yourself and understand this connection.

A kind voice brought you out of your thoughts, "excuse me, are you a dwarf miss y/n?"

You looked to see the youngest looking dwarf in the room. His sandy brown hair in a bowl cut around his head.

You smiled warmly at him, "No, young dwarf, I am not." By this point all the heads of the company turned to this conversation.

The young dwarf made a confused face, "oh, then what are you? You seem about our size for dwarf women."

Just as you went to speak Gandalf beat you to it, "our y/n here is a skin changer."

There were hushed voices around the table then. Some wondering if it was even safe to have you around.

You wanted to defend yourself, "I wouldn't hurt any of those I deemed my friends. You have nothing to worry about."

Gandalf nodded, "you are quite safe in her presence. She is the last of her kind, the alpha's daughter of her kin. The blood that flows through her veins is a special magic even amongst other skin changers. While most can only turn into one animal, y/n, can turn into whatever she'd like if she but look upon the animal first."

One of the dwarves who'd been very talkative, sported an interesting flappy hat, spoke then, "so...say you were to see Smaug?"

"Smaug?" Bilbo questioned.

"That would be in reference to Smaug the Terrible: Legend fire-breather. Melt the flesh off your bones in the blink of an eye."

Bilbo looked faint, "yes I know what a dragon is."

Bofur decided to push further, "think furnace with wings."

Bilbo hunched over, dropping the contact he'd been given, "I-I need air."

"One breath and poof you're nothing more than a pile of ash."

Everyone watched then as the poor hobbit grew sickeningly pale and collapsed on the floor.

You shook your head and made your way over to the hobbit, "I can already tell that don't know when to stop do you?" You scowled at Bofur who slunk into his chair a little.

You tapped Bilbos cheeks carefully trying to get some color in them and rubbing his chest. He was really out of it.

"You didn't answer the question." Came Thorin's velvety voice. You mentally cursed how it easily seeped into your soul and gripped you.

You looked at him from where he had turned in his seat, arm across the back, blue orbs boring into you.

You swallowed, "if I laid my eyes upon that fire breather...yes. In theory, I could turn into a dragon."

There was a sudden eruption of cheer through the company making you jump.

"You hear that lads? A way to defeat the beast!" A red headed dwarf exclaimed.

Their praise was muffled in your ear. You weren't sure how to take killing another legendary beast. You hated killing animals as much as it was sometimes necessary. You tuned out their applause when a contract was handed to you. You took the paper and ventured down the hall to a quiet room where you could read over the contact.

You had been staring over the dotted line for nigh on an hour now. Why couldn't you just sign it? Why did it mean so much to you?

A voice behind you startled you, "Something wrong with it?"

You swallowed. It was Thorin and he was a lot closer than you had realized. How you didn't smell him being that close you didn't know.

You shrugged, "nothing is wrong with it I's a lot to think about."

"Why do you want to help us on this quest? You owe us nothing."

You stared at him for a moment, admiring the braids he had that came to be clasped in a bead.

"To be honest, I know what it's like to not have a home. If I can help someone else reclaim theirs I may be able to sleep a little better at night. And..."You trailed off looking back at the contact.


"It begs the questions doesn't it? What if I did look at Smaug? Would I really be able to turn into a dragon? Is he classified as an animal or something else? What if it requires so much strength that it kills me? I don't have the answers, Thorin, but I want to know. I can turn into any creature I desire but a dragon? That would be a precious gift...and put a large target on my head."

"You would be a target? Why?" Thorin sounded genuinely intrigued. So much so that he inwardly cringed.

"Alpha blood is sacred. I can make another exactly like me if I wished." You met his eyes again. The way they looked at you like they were seeing you for you made your heart skip a beat. Thorin felt it in his own chest.

He cleared his throat, "you can turn someone else into a skin changer?"

You nodded. Not trusting your voice.

Thorin hesitantly looked from you to the contract, "we would be honored to have you with us, lady y/n. As much as we look after each other we cannot guarantee your safety. And..." he rests a hand on your shoulder making you look at him. The tingles that erupted from his touch made both of you gasp, look at his hand and back into each other's eyes," whatever this is, I know you feel it too. I felt it the moment you stepped into the room. It cannot be a distraction."

You swallowed again. From that first touch you wanted more. The animal within you was pacing back and forth trying to weigh the gravity of this decision. Could the two of you even ignore it? Only time would tell.

You nodded slowly, and hovered your hand with an ink pen over the line, "I understand, Thorin. I go on this quest to help you reclaim your home, and protect the company. But I have to know for myself what this dragon means for me." You looked back at him. He withdrew his hand nodding and you felt a tinge of sadness creep into you at the loss. Nevertheless you signed the line with your name, sealing your fate in this company.


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